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- 080617 Meeting Ferme Des Tilleuls
- 150617 Meeting Swissnex India Makerspaces
- 1st Ever Hackuarium Wiki Sprint
- 2010910 pi workshop notes
- 20151128 Board Meeting
- 20160120 General Assembly
- 20160204 Board meeting
- 20160329 Board meeting
- 20160609 Board meeting
- 20160623 Citizen Science Netzwerktreffen
- 20160713 Board meeting
- 20160818 Board meeting
- 20160919 Board meeting
- 20161024 Board meeting
- 20161128 Board meeting
- 2017.16.11 Thursday 10:30 - 16:30pm SWILABS meeting
- 20170119 Meeting with BD
- 20170201 Board meeting
- 20170215 Board meeting
- 20170215 Chromatographies
- 20170222 WhatsUpOctanis
- 20170225 Arduino WS
- 20170301 OH139
- 20170309 Board meeting
- 20170311 WikiSpr Git
- 20170329 OH143
- 20170412 Board meeting
- 20170419 OH146
- 20170426 OH147
- 20170426 OH150
- 20170503 OH148
- 20170505 Crowdfunding talk
- 20170517 OH149
- 20170517 OH150
- 20170517 OpenHackuarium 150 - Extraordinary General Assembly
- 201705317 OH152
- 20170607 Board Meeting
- 20170608 Board Meeting
- 20170614 OH154
- 20170706 BrnstrmCF
- 20170712 1cellAtTime
- 20170712 Board Meeting
- 20170719 WDDNAGotCash
- 20170726 Seance Crowdfunding1
- 20170816 Seance Crowdfunding2
- 20170823 Seance Crowdfunding3
- 20170830 PaPiPoPiPouPou
- 20170830 Seance Crowdfunding3
- 20170911 Board Meeting
- 20170913 Seance Crowdfunding4
- 20170927 FilmMaking
- 20170927 Seance Crowdfunding5
- 20171004 Board Meeting
- 20171011 Seance Crowdfunding6
- 20171018 CrowdfundingMeeting
- 20171101 Board Meeting
- 20171129 AlienatedLandscapes
- 20171206 Board Meeting
- 20180118 Board Meeting
- 20180208 Board Meeting
- 20180214 OH189
- 20180215 Visit LucyPatterson
- 20180228 OH191
- 20180307 OH192
- 20180308 Swilabs Meeting Zurich
- 20180310 Workshop spectrophotometer
- 20180321 OH194 Hackahealth
- 20180328 OH195
- 20180329 Board Meeting
- 20180331 Workshop DNAdamage
- 20180404 Open Hackuarium Workshop microfluidics
- 20180418 OH198
- 20180425 OH199
- 20180502 OH200
- 20180505 Workshop spectrophotometer
- 20180516 OH201
- 20180516 OH202
- 20180519 Hack ton doudou
- 20180523 Board Meeting
- 20180523 OH203
- 20180601 GMO Detective Workshop 01
- 20180620 OH207
- 20180627 Board Meeting
- 20180627 Hybridoa yearly update
- 20180630 SpecialBiohackingMeetup
- 20180704 OH209
- 20180725 Board Meeting
- 20180808 Board Meeting
- 20180808 Special Board Meeting
- 20180822 OpenHackuarium 216: Association Apidae
- 20180829 OpenHackuarium 217 - Spécial Nettoyage de l’espace
- 20180905 Special Board Meeting
- 20180912 General Assembly Extraordinaire
- 20180926 DNA Damage Studies
- 20180926 OpenHackuarium 221: DNA Damage Studies
- 20180926 Special Board Meeting
- 20181017 Special Board Meeting
- 20181031 OpenHackuarium 226
- 20181031 fête
- 20181128 Board Meeting
- 20190123 Board Meeting
- 20190313 Board Meeting
- 20190327 OH247 Open Hardware
- 20190410 Board Meeting
- 20190418 OH198
- 20190508 Board Meeting
- 20190605 Board Meeting
- 20190710 Board Meeting
- 20190821 Board Meeting
- 20190911 Board Meeting
- 20191113 Board Meeting
- 20191218 Board Meeting
- 2019 Ditchley Foundation Conference
- 20200827 OpenHackuarium 322 - Commons, biohacking and contemporary witchcraft Part1/2
- 20200902 Board Meeting
- 20200930 EGA2020
- 20201104 BoardMeeting
- 20201209 BoardMeeting
- 20201715 Board Meeting
- 20210120 BoardMeeting
- 20210127 BiodesignHub
- 20210127 BiodesignHubZürich
- 20210203 DIY Spirulina Simple Bioreactor
- 20210203 SocialResilience thr34d5
- 20210217 DIY Spirulina Simple Bioreactor
- 20210224 Decentralised Cryptocurrency Ecological
- 20210310 GeneralAssembly
- 20210324 Unchaining the power of EEG for the sake of art and science
- 20210331 Strato LOGIQUE
- 260624Board
- 27mars24 board
- 2nd Hackuarium Wiki Sprint
- 3rd Anniversary
- 5 years
- 6avrBoardmeeting
- 7thbday gallery
- ABC2
- AG 2024
- AGiR! for genomic integrity
- AGiR! for genomic integrity/
- AGiR! for genomic integrity/cometassaydev
- Activity Report 2021
- AdMed1st
- Ana Roldan
- Assemblée 2019
- Assemblée 2020
- Assemblée générale 2022
- Assemblée générale 2023
- Assemblée générale 2025
- Association Apidae
- AtelierSpectro-Pointer
- Atelier Micronoyaux
- Atelier à GoGo
- Auf Deutsch FungiFun
- Automatic Cell Counter Algorithm
- Automatic stage
- Baby lichen (?) observations
- Bactograph
- Balloon BBQ
- BeeMoS
- BeeMoSeq
- BeerDeCoded
- BeerDecoded
- Bience
- BioP Colour Bacteria
- BioP Cultures
- BioP GDR
- BioP Gel-Purification
- BioP Main
- BioP PCR
- BioP transfection
- Biochinage
- Biodesign for the Real World
- Biohacking
- Biolab
- Bioluminescence investigations
- Bioreactor
- Bioreactors
- Bioremediation
- Biostructure2023
- BizDev Office Hours with Gavrilo
- Board
- BoardMeeting 20210414
- Board 20231115
- Board 20231220
- Board 20240529
- Board 6sept23
- Board Meeting20240221
- Board Meeting 16/06/2021
- Board Meeting 19/5/2021
- Board meeting
- Board meeting oct23
- CBEMresults
- CFPS with plants
- Calendar
- Camera Obscura et les artefacts de l'invisible
- Campaign 2022
- Chip for genomic integrity 2018
- Chocolate tasting 2016
- Circular chromatography
- Clever Cloud
- Coding4All
- Colab Biomaterials
- Comet Cell Assay 2018
- Compost Bacteria
- Contrat de donation
- Coop plan
- Corona Detective
- Crowdfunding2017
- D+Arty Monkeys
- DIY Fluorescence Microscope
- DIY Protocol Pollution Heavy Metals
- DNA Party workchoppe vol.1
- DNA Party workchoppe vol.2
- Dans la Drêche
- Darty Monkeys
- Data sharing - Lausanne Open Data Meetup
- Decentralised Cryptocurrency & the Ecological
- Details here
- Deutsche Version
- Dishwasher
- Diy-transilluminator
- Donate
- Déménagement, Moving that lab where it belongs!
- Edible wall
- Edible wall old
- Editing the wiki
- En français
- Environment
- Events
- Events:BSNL Roundtable
- Events:Bioart NexTrends
- Events:Design Days 2014
- Events:Entre Bière Hackers et ADN Café Scientifique au Collège Rousseau
- Events:Open Access
- Exodes Urbains
- FR Oldversion
- FRqualite
- First results
- Fixme
- Foldscope
- Fondue Night 2017
- Friends
- Fun with fungi
- Fungal-themed biofest
- Future of
- Fête de la science 2019
- GOSH meeting
- Gathering Data
- General Assembly 2019-02-27
- Genomic Integrity 2018
- Genomic integrity
- Global Good Congress 2019
- Gorilla Warfare II
- Gorrila Warfare II
- Grosse fête des 5 ans
- Grow&Mix Bioink
- GrowthPatterns
- Gut Gardening
- Hackathon in Darmstadt
- Hacking4PeacewithMitch
- Hackpad
- Hacktion
- Hackuarium
- Hackuarium PLAY
- Hackuarium Satellite
- Hackuarium visit
- Hekkcess
- History2019
- Hoohm project
- HowToNewProject
- How to collaborate with us?
- Https://
- Hybridoa
- Hypo proj
- Hypo proj pract
- I m new
- Imre's SynBio recources for advanced cloners
- Imre's SynBio recources for advanced cloners ('s SynBio recources for advanced cloners)
- Incubateur bon marché
- Information Urban Gardens Round 2
- Innovation through Science Hacking
- Instru Autoclave
- Instru Centrifuge
- Instru Electroporator
- Instru Fridge
- Instru Gel Imager
- Instru HeatBlock
- Instru HeatGun
- Instru HeatPlate
- Instru Incubator
- Instru Light
- Instru Main
- Instru Microscopes
- Instru PCR
- Instru PanzerYann
- Instru Pipettes
- Instru Rotavap
- Instru Scales
- Instru Sonicator
- Instru SterileHood
- Instru Vortex
- Instruments et leurs utilisation
- Jardinage urbain
- Jardinage urbain 2024
- Join
- Joining
- Jun scoby
- Kid's Science Club
- Kit
- Kitchen-sink-ingredients
- Kombucha Bacterial Cellulose
- LIFTBasel15 BeerDeCoded workshop
- La Nébuleuse
- La qualité de l'eau du lac - Montreux 2023
- LaboP1
- LaboP1 EN
- Leman Make
- Let's do it - template for experiment section
- Life Main
- Live Type
- Living Instruments
- Logo
- MCBP Campaign 2022
- MCBP Campaign 2023
- Magnesium tests with AGiR!
- Mail Delivery
- Main Page
- Main Page EN
- Main Page FR
- Mapplus
- Mari mutare
- Mat Main
- Member
- Mercury spill
- Micro to Macro Water Pollution
- Microgrant Process Review
- Microgrant process
- Micronucl