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Welcome to the wiki of the [http://www.hackuarium.ch/ Hackuarium] association! <br>
<p>'''Welcome to Hackuarium, a community lab association in Switzerland,''' where we explore biology, science and technology and promote participatory research.
</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>  </p><p>  </p><p>'''''Bienvenue au Hackuarium, une laboratoire communautaire en la Suisse''', où nous découvrons la biologie, la science et la technologie et encourageons la recherche participative.''
</p><p> </p><p>''<small><br />This wiki is meant to be bilingual, and any feedback is welcome!</small>''
</p><p>''<small>Ce wiki est censé être bilingue, et tout commentaire est le bienvenu !</small>''
At Hackuarium, we want to bring biology (and biologists) to the world, and the real world back to biology. Our laboratory is an excuse to meet and discuss, build and develop ideas in a neutral, open, noncompetitive and not-for-profit environment.<br>
==<big>''Grandes nouvelles'' / Big News</big>==
[[File:Fest10.png|thumb|party time for our 10th anniversary! / la fête à l'occasion de notre 10e anniversaire !  [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1me9xDaCOKtgi4_rwvx5GHipg_p9cifJ2QxsoiII-jPA/edit?usp=sharing plus d'info]]]
This page was launched during our [[1st Ever Hackuarium Wiki Sprint]] that took place on 7 December 2014. As you might notice quickly, almost everything here is a work-in-progress.
Scroll down and find out what this is all about!
'''Our big 10th anniversary celebrations are coming up soon, from 12-16 October!'''
<big>''[[Hackuarium | Cliquez ici pour accéder à la version française de ce wiki.]]''</big>
[[File:PosterHackuarium.png |535px|thumb|right|Hackuarium Poster (Not-for-printing version!!! see Section 7.9 [[Main_Page#Visual_Identity | Visual Identity]] for full size printing version)]]
On the program are:  
* a STEAM Bioplastic/Bioart Workshop with Angela Pisani (12 October from 14-17h )
* a festive dinner (12 October from 18h-)
* a conference, including special invited speakers, Thomas Landrain of JOGL (and also a cofounder of La Paillasse) and Richard Timsit of the FabLab in Renens (13 October from 16-18h) and
* a special #OH with demonstrations (16 October from 19h-)
Please confirm your presence especially for the 12th!  (Please write - hello@hackuarium.ch)   
=What is DIYbio?=
Still hoping you start to make the habit to [https://wiki.hackuarium.ch/images/f/f8/FlyerNov23.png come every Wednesday]! )   
DIYbio (Do-It-Yourself biology) is a movement that wants to free the practice of biological research and innovation from the institutional and industrial laboratories. Pursued both by amateurs and professional biologists, DIYbio is developing low-cost and low-tech solutions to problems identified by the community.
The movement is characterised by an extremely diverse set of practices and participants. Some call themselves 'biohackers', in reference to the hacker culture.  The quick solution (even if unconventional) is what is meant by hacks...
'''Come learn more at Hackuarium, where we mix biology and technology to solve problems, democratise research, and have fun!'''
[http://DIYbio.org DIYbio.org] and [http://DIYbio.eu DIYbio.eu] are the portals of the international and european communities, respectively.
Join in for our #OpenHackuarium open door evenings every Wednesday from 19h, to which anyone is welcome.
For more information, visit the [http://www.wikipedia.org Wikipedia] page dedicated to [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DIYbio DIYbio].<br>
Here are some of the [[OldBigNews|old 'Big News']] items so you can see what else has been going on...
We actually believe more and more in doing DIT (Do-It-Together) Science, not just 'DIYbio,' as it reflects better the scope of the trans-disciplinary projects we do (often not only biology).<br>
=What is Hackuarium?=
Hackuarium is a not-for-profit association aiming at democratizing science through public engagement.<br>
'''''Les célébrations de notre 10e anniversaire se dérouleront bientôt, du 12 au 16 octobre !'''''
Our laboratory in Renens (Switzerland) is open to anyone sharing the values of the association and who is dedicated to follow the [http://diybio.org/codes/draft-diybio-code-of-ethics-from-european-congress/ DIYbio Europe ethical guidelines].<br>
''Au programme''
Our projects are initiated and carried out by scientists and non-scientists from a variety of backgrounds. They are passionate about tinkering with biology in particular, and technology in general. Some are engineers, architects, designers, IT and computer scientists or retired professionals, but others have no scientific education. They are mostly citizens interested in open and participatory research and innovation, outside the constraints of traditional institutions.<br>
* ''un atelier STEAM Bioplastic/Bioart avec Angela Pisani (le 12 octobre de 14 à 17 heures)''
* ''un souper festif (le 12 octobre à partir de 18h)''
* ''une conférence, avec des invités spéciaux, Thomas Landrain du JOGL (et également cofondateur de La Paillasse) et Richard Timsit du FabLab de Renens (le 13 octobre de 16-18h) et''
* ''un #OH spécial avec démonstrations (le 16 octobre de 19h-)''
Hackuarium members want to investigate new ways of carrying out interdisciplinary research and innovation, by making their results accessible (low-cost), simple and easily reproducible (low-tech) and by promoting an open source philosophy.<br>
''Merci de confirmer votre présence, surtout pour le 12oct !  (Ecrire svp - hello@hackuarium.ch)''
=Where are we?=
''En espérant toujours que tu prennes l'habitude de venir [https://wiki.hackuarium.ch/images/f/f8/FlyerNov23.png tous les mercredis !]''
Hackuarium is proudly using infrastructures provided by [http://www.univercite.ch UniverCité], an unconventional innovation hub that opened in May 2014 in the IRL building in Renens. Our equipment is mostly upcycled material from institutions and industries from western Switzerland. We have documented our working environment as it has evolved.<br>
'''''Venez en apprendre plus à Hackuarium, où nous allions biologie et technologie pour résoudre des problèmes, démocratiser la recherche, et s'amuser !'''''
Venez et participez à notre #OpenHackuarium soirées de portes ouvertes tous les mercredis à partir de 19h. Voici quelques [[OldBigNews|anciennes "grandes nouvelles"]] pour vous permettre de voir ce qui s'est passé..
Between December 2015 and January 2017, UniverCité regrouped our laboratory, a workshop and coworking space.<br>
==''Prochains Événements'' / Next [[Events]]==
Festivities for our 10th anniversary are happening soon!     
The original space was under construction work from January until June 2017, and we temporarily relocated on the first floor of the same building.<br>
We are also still planning more workshops.  
Since July 2017, we are back on the second floor of what is now called the "Ateliers de Renens" Chemin du Closed 5, 1020 Renens.  We have a biohackerspace where (almost) everything goes, and a P1 facility for synthetic bio enthusiasts and more. <br> Check it out during one of our open nights, every Wednesday... <br>
Bioart, DIY microscopy? Tell us what you would like!     
Renens is a hopping hub between Lausanne and GenevaYou can get to us by train from the airport in Geneva within an hour.<br>
[[File:Waterbear16apr24.png|alt=|thumb|More waterbears around the lab..=) ([https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FOMktO9UNG554jIdOjjFPhuDtt5z7TLm/view?usp=sharing here's 3s] of it 'swimming'...)]]
Our next board meeting will be on the 25th of September.
Normally, we are again having '''Wednesday evening #OpenHackuarium sessions''' for anyone to attend. This is the upcoming list of themes for these:
=Who are we?=
'''#OH Thèmes / Dates'''
Our members reflect the diversity that is in and around Lausanne/Renens.<br>
2oct- #OH avec Esther 
[[People | Check us out]], and find out what makes Hackuarium a good mix.<br>
9oct- #OH tbd 
16oct- #OH spéciale avec Demos 
The current [[Board | committee]] is composed of the following people:<br>
* Co - President: [[User: Vlorenzo | Vanessa Lorenzo]] (also Art and Design coordinator)
''Les festivités de notre 10e anniversaire sont imminentes !''
* Co - President: [[User: Rachel | Rachel Aronoff]]  (also Citizen Science coordinator)
* Secretary and Treasurer: [[User: luchenry | Luc Henry]]
* Lab Manager: [[User: Gustavo Santamaria| Gustavo Santamaria]]
* Online promotion:[[User: hekkcess | Yann Pierson]]
* System Administrator: [[User:Sam | Sam Sulaimanov]]
* Talent scout and evangelist for Academy: [[User:Alpittet | Anne-Laure Pittet]]
* Talent scout and evangelist for Entrepreneurs: [[User:Randogp | Gianpaolo Rando]]
* Talent scout and evangelist: [[User:Dan | Daniel Hernandez]]
* Community happiness, Ateliers de Renens Link: [[User: Shalf | Yann Heurtaux]]
The Agenda of the last board meeting can be found [[20180208_Board_Meeting | here]].<br>
''Nous allons toujours organiser aussi davantage d'ateliers.''
The Agenda of the next board meeting can be found [[20180329_Board_Meeting | here]].<br>
==Members and Membership==
''L'art bio, microscopie 'diy'?  Dites-nous ce que vous aimeriez!''
'''Do you have a project in mind? Do you just want to support us?'''<br>
''Normalement, nous avons encore tous les mercredis les '''soirées portes ouvertes #OpenHackuarium''' auxquelles tout le monde peut venir assister. Cette semaine se tient l'assemblée générale, qui est également une bonne occasion d'en savoir plus sur notre laboratoire communautaire.''
Hackuarium operates on a membership basis, even though all events are open to anyone, including non-members.<br>
<big>Come Wednesdays for #OpenHackuarium from 19h!</big>  <small>SVP voir la liste de thèmes dessus...</small>
The monthly membership fee is 20 CHF. It gives 24/7 access to the lab.<br>
''<big>Venez les mercredis pour les soirées #OpenHackuarium de 19h !</big>''
We would love to have you as a member! Just follow the instructions below.<br>
=''C'est quoi, Hackuarium?'' / What is Hackuarium? =
[[File:Prep4jump.jpg|thumb|''Tout le monde peut nous rejoindre pour de la science ouverte!'' Everyone can join in for open science!]]
[[File:Bigjump.jpg|thumb|''Nous nous réjouissons de la publication de l'article sur la qualité de l'eau (après l'évaluation par les pairs!)'' / Jumping to celebrate the [https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2688-8319.12094 water quality paper] finally out (after peer-review!)]]
[[File:Dried scoby split.jpg|thumb|''une alternative microbienne au cuir'' / a microbial alternative to leather, 'scoby' cellulose ''de'' / from kombucha.]]
Hackuarium is a not-for-profit Swiss association aiming to democratise science through public engagement. <br>
We are a community laboratory for open science for everyone.
===Want to join?===
Our laboratories in Ecublens (Switzerland) are open to anyone sharing the values of the association and dedicated to follow the [http://diybio.org/codes/draft-diybio-code-of-ethics-from-european-congress/ DIYbio Europe ethical guidelines].
* We have a [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdoyS8HmsuZACYp-q79pLzxR9BPA60HbyL6ZR8x7h7x3eqbhQ/viewform new form on the website], to fast-track joining the community, if you are keen, perhaps after a few #OpenHackuarium experiences (every Wednesday evening is open to the public).
Our projects are initiated and carried out by scientists and non-scientists from a variety of backgrounds. Our members are passionate about tinkering with biology in particular, and technology in general. Some are engineers, architects, designers, IT and computer scientists or retired professionals, but others have no scientific education. They are mostly people interested in open and participatory research and innovation, outside the constraints of traditional institutions.
* Read some helpful info [[I_m_new | here]].
Hackuarium members' projects are our driving force. Interdisciplinary groups passionate about something and access to the varied upcycled resources in the lab are our key means by which to innovate and investigate new ways of carrying out research.  Making the results open, accessible (low-cost), simple and easily reproducible (low-tech) and promoting an open source philosophy are ideal outcomes of our work.  All old projects are available for reuse, revision and hacking out parallel attempts, also internationally...  
* Write an email to hello@hackuarium.ch and give us a short description of:
As  a community lab association officially recognised as a public service group, we look forward to seeing you here sometime soon! If an #OpenHackuarium Wednesday evening won't work for you, we can make a date! 
** Yourself, your interests, your background
** What you would like to learn or do at Hackuarium
==Friends of Hackuarium==
Let us know if you are interested in collaborations! 
Write us with any questions or comments at hello (at) hackuarium (dot) ch
::<li>[https://onlfait.ch/fablab/ FabLab Onl'fait, Genève]
::<li>[http://lapaillasse.org La Paillasse, Paris]
::<li>[https://lapaillassaone.wordpress.com Paillasse Saône, Lyon]
::<li>[http://foundry.bio The BioFoundry, Sydney]
::<li>[http://www.bioquisitive.org.au Bioquisitive, Melbourne]
::<li>[http://octanis.org Octanis]
::<li>[http://hybridoa.org Hybridoa]
::<li>[http://apéro-sciences.ch/ Apéro Sciences]
::<li>[[Exodes_Urbains | Exodes Urbains]]
::<li>[http://echopen.org/index.php?title=Main_Page EchOpen]
''Hackuarium est une association suisse à but non lucratif visant à démocratiser la science par l'engagement du public.''
''Nos laboratoires à Ecublens (Suisse) sont ouverts à toute personne partageant les valeurs de l'association et s'engageant à [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MEZDmBrBgi-B4iAKd2Dh9KXBcM8Zst-u/view?usp=sharing suivre les directives éthiques de DIYbio Europe].''
Our lab and space are open to the public. Please come and have a chat! And if you have any questions [mailto:hello@hackuarium.ch get in touch!]
''Nos projets sont initiés et menés à bien par des scientifiques et des non-scientifiques issus d'horizons divers. Nos membres sont passionnés par le bricolage en biologie en particulier, et en technologie en général. Certains sont ingénieurs, architectes, designers, informaticiens ou professionnels à la retraite, mais d'autres n'ont aucune formation scientifique. Ce sont surtout des personnes intéressées par la recherche et l'innovation ouvertes et participatives, en dehors des contraintes des institutions traditionnelles.''
<big>'''[[Open_Hackuarium | OpenHackuarium]]: Every Wednesday, 19:00-22:00'''</big>
''Les projets des membres du Hackuarium sont notre force motrice. Des groupes interdisciplinaires passionnés par un sujet et l'accès aux diverses ressources recyclées du laboratoire sont nos principaux moyens d'innover et d'étudier de nouvelles façons de mener des recherches. Rendre les résultats ouverts, accessibles (à faible coût), simples et facilement reproductibles (à faible technicité) et promouvoir une philosophie de source ouverte sont les résultats idéaux de notre travail. Tous les anciens projets sont disponibles pour la réutilisation, la révision et le 'hacking' de tentatives parallèles, également au niveau international...''
You want to organise an event at Hackuarium, or with the Hackuarium community? We have guidelines below.<br>
En tant qu'une association de laboratoire communautaire '''''[[Utilité publique|reconnue officiellement d'utilité publique]]''''', ''nous sommes impatients de vous voir ici bientôt ! Si un mercredi soir de #OpenHackuarium ne vous convient pas, nous pouvons fixer une date !''
==Upcoming Hackuarium Events==
''Faites-nous savoir si vous êtes intéressés par des collaborations !''
<h1>''Menu de navigation'' / Navigation menu</h1>
:<li>'''2018.05.31''' Thursday 18:30-12:30: Hackuarium will be paying a visit to FabLab Onl'fait and ImpactHub Geneva
:<li>'''2018.05.19''' Saturday 14:30-18:30: [[20180519_Hack_ton_doudou | Hack ton doudou workshop]] - Our friends from FabLab Onl'fait will teach us doudou hacking!
:<li>'''2018.05.16''' Wednesday 19:30-22:00: [[20180516_OH202 | Swiss Engineers visit Hackuarium]] - Looking forward to an evening of Moss music? Join us!
:<li>'''2018.05.02''' Wednesday 19:30-22:00: [[20180502_OH200 | 200 weeks of Hackuarium]] - We celebrate with a film night!
:<li>'''2018.04.27''' Friday 18:00-22:00: Visit of Hackuarium by students from CRI Paris
:<li>'''2018.04.25''' Wednesday 19:30-22:00: [[20180425_OH199 | OH199 Open Hackuarium]] - Octanis Update and more
:<li>'''2018.04.21''' Saturday 14:00-17:30: [[20180331_Workshop_DNAdamage | DNA Damage Workshop]] - Open-sourcing DNA damage detection for Citizen Science
:<li>'''2018.04.18''' Wednesday 19:30-22:00: [[20180418_OH198 | Bernard Dugas - Suivant les pas de Pierre Delbet: Magnesium et Santé]] -
The '''Hackuarium Wiki''' was started in 2015, and has a great deal of information...[[File:Aussibeach.png|thumb|left|salt water down under / ''l'eau salée dans l'Australie'']]
[[File:Mtblancdemorges.jpg|thumb|The view from Morges, not far from our space in Ecublens. Would that Mont Blanc would always stay white, not become gray... The climate also is a focus here. / ''le vue de Morges, pas loin de notre espace en Ecublens. Si seulement le Mont Blanc restait toujours blanc, et ne devenait pas gris... le climat est également une préoccupation.'']]
or follow our [https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=mgvq9goephpmna0kb7rj9ipei8%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Zurich google calendar]<br>
==Other Upcoming Events at [http://www.univercite.ch UniverCité]==
'''This is the updated and simplified bilingual entry.'''
==Other Upcoming Events==
This 'biohacking' adventure has already been going on over 10 years! 
:<li>'''2018.03.08''' Thursday 10:30-16:30: [[20180308 Swilabs Meeting Zurich | 20180308 Swilabs Meeting Zurich ]] <br>
==Past Hackuarium Events==
(Hackuarium's official 'birthday' is 13Aug2014.
You can find the complete list of our '''past events''' [[past events | here]].
''Le '''wiki de Hackuarium''' a été lancé en 2015, et contient de nombreuses informations....''
Here, you will find the projects going on in the Hackuarium.
== Active Projects ==
'''''Voici l'entrée bilingue mise à jour et simplifiée.'''''
* [[BeerDeCoded]]
''Cette aventure de "biohacking" dure déjà depuis plus de 10 ans !'' 
* [http://biodesign.cc/ BIO-DESIGN for the REAL WORLD]
* [[Living Instruments]]
* [[Micro to Macro Water Pollution]] - with [http://www.hammerdirt.ch/ Hammerdirt] and [http://biodesign.cc/ BIO-DESIGN for the REAL WORLD]
* [[Spectro-pointer]]
* [[Darty_Monkeys]]
* [[Octanis]] - with more information about their Rover / Balloon [http://octanis.org/rover here]
* [[Grow%26Mix_Bioink]]
* [[AGiR! for genomic integrity]]
* [[Moss Menageries with AGiR!]]
* [[Open_Source_Bioreactor | Open Source Bioreactor]]
* [[Bioreactor | Steady state bioreactor]]
* [[Workshop_Bioprinter| Workshop Bioprinter]]
* [[Terraforming Alkalin Experiments | Terraforming Alkaline Experiments]]
* [http://wiki.hackuarium.ch/w/Crowdfunding2017 Crowdfunding]
* [http://wiki.hackuarium.ch/w/Diy-transilluminator DIY Transilluminator]
== Archived Projects ==
''(L'anniversaire officiel de Hackuarium est le 13 août 2014).'' 
* [[Hacktion  | Hacktion challenges]]
==<big>''L'emplacement'' / [[Site]]</big>==
* [[Open-Food-DNA |Open-Food-DNA]]
We share a [https://wiki.hackuarium.ch/images/3/33/Space_Outline.pdf cooperative space in Ecublens], Switzerland, near Lausanne, with a couple of other associations interested in hacking and making.  These include [https://www.octanis.ch/ Octanis] (which in addition to starting as a Hackuarium project, is now not only its own association, but also a company, with another branch in Zurich), [https://polymeka.ch/ Polymeka], where you can do everything from wood to metal work. Rapid prototyping, anyone?
* [[Bience | Bience (Beer and Science!)]]
* [[Mycelium Structures]]
* [[Live Type]]
* [[Projects:LivingLab Design|LivingLab Design]]
* [[Projects:bioluminescence|Bioluminescence]]
* [[Projects:Quantitative Anthropology|Quantitative Anthropology]]
* [[Projects:Impression 3D|Impression 3D]]
* [[Projects:Dépollution des stands de tirs Suisses]]
* [[Incubateur bon marché]]
* [[Space Seed]]
* [[Reception d'images satellites]]
* [[Edible wall]]
* [[ZéBU CH]]
* [[Compost Bacteria]]
* [[Protein purification systems]]
* [[unmapping]]
* [[Colab Biomaterials | Colab Biomaterials]]
Some startups including (traditionally ;P ) a brewerie round out our group in this nice space in Ecublens. 
= Practical Information =
One must note, however, this space is not our long term home and is destined to be destroyed. In 3-5 years they said when we signed the renters' agreement in 2019.
== Rules at Hackuarium ==
Any ideas for planning for our future new home warmly welcomed!
We have very few rules at Hackuarium. The goal of the association is to provide freedom to its members, so they can explore beyond what is allowed elsewhere. However, we want members and anyone participating in our activities to feel comfortable and respected. <br>
[[Life_Main | This page]] describes the code of conduct for Hackuarium members.<br>
''Nous partageons [https://wiki.hackuarium.ch/images/3/33/Space_Outline.pdf un espace coopératif à Ecublens], en Suisse, près de Lausanne, avec quelques autres associations intéressées par le hacking et le making. Il s'agit notamment d'Octanis (qui, en plus d'avoir commencé comme un projet du Hackuarium, est maintenant non seulement sa propre association, mais aussi une entreprise, avec une branche aussi à Zurich), Polymeka, où vous pouvez tout faire, du travail du bois au travail du métal. Prototypage rapide, quelqu'un ?''
== Use of P1 laboratory ==
''Quelques startups, dont (traditionnellement ;P ) une brasserie, complètent notre groupe dans cet espace sympa en Ecublens.''
As of November 2017, Hackuarium is officially hosting its own P1 laboratory.  While we still lack some essential infrastructure (-80 freezer, ventilated fume hood), we are working on it...
More can be found out about use of this facility by following the next link...
[[P1_Lab_Activities| P1 Lab Activities]]
== Event Organisation ==
''Il faut noter, cependant, que cet espace est provisoire, à détruire dans 3 ou 5 ans quand nous avons signé le bail en 2019...''
You want to organise an event? Go for it!<br>
''N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos idées pour planifier notre futur space !''
Help us spread the love for tech, science, art and design.<br>
==<big>''Nouvelles'' / News</big>==
[[File:FlyerNov23.png|left|thumb|''Découvrez la science ouverte et le biohacking au Hackuarium !'' / Explore Open Science and Biohacking at Hackuarium!]]
'''= big 10th anniversary celebrations, 12-16oct ='''   
Here is a "Wiki express" so that everyone has the basics: <br>
'''To sign up!'''   
*Send an email to board@hackuarium.ch — to make sure there is no conflict with another event
We look forward to having more local peeps checking out the lab and biohacking. You can show people our wiki or a flyer (like the one to the left).    
*Someone on the board will check that the space is free
*Build a wiki page for the event (see template below)
*Our 'online promotion' specialist will get in touch to ask for content and will make sure the announcements are made on all the social media outlets for Hackuarium!
*In case you need a microgrant to cover the costs (up to 300.-), send an email to board@hackuarium.ch with a description (what, when, who) and a preliminary budget.
*When all this is arrange, talk to the community, to spread the word —> us the slack '''#_uc-events''' channel
*Is it a WORKSHOP? All the previous & make sure you get your logistics right! (and use the tag at the bottom of the page)
*Is there a SIMILAR workshop ALREADY planned? If yes, negotiate dates and: Do you target the SAME people? If yes, negotiate. If not, no problem. It maybe interesting to see what others do.
==Template for an Hackuarium event==
N''ous nous réjouissons à l'idée que d'autres personnes de la ville viendront visiter le laboratoire et découvrir le biohacking.'' ''Vous pouvez montrer notre 'flyer' (à gauche) ou ce wiki aux personnes potentiellement intéressées.''
First, create a line for your event on the main page under the [Main_Page#Events | Event section] using the following line:
See below, under Press, for more on our newsletters. You can find an archive of old ones in the links below, too...[[File:Logoplay.png|thumb|bioart bot image|alt=|200x200px]]
[[File:Bioartbot2.jpeg |200px|thumb|right|<small>thx esp to Tim Dobbs</small>]]
''Les liens vers le newsletter et les anciennes editions archivées sont trouvée dessous, dans le rubrique Médias et presse.''
:<li>'''201X.XX.XX''' Wednesday 19:00-22:00: [[201XXXXX_TITLE | TITLE]] - SHORT DESCRIPTION
Make sure the date, time and title are provided. Save the main page.<br>
===''Événements'' / [[Events]]===
The event will appear with a link. By clicking on this link you will create the event page.<br>
The following must be added to the event page (replace XXX by appropriate values):<br>
12-16 oct 2024 - fête de 10 ans ! 
- programme dessus (voir aussi le lien dessous l'image à droit)  
Open Hackuarium #XX - TITLE<br>
  Organisé par XXX<br>
'''ENGLISH BELOW''' <br>
''En tant qu'une association de laboratoire communautaire'' '''''[[Utilité publique|reconnue officiellement d'utilité publique]]''''', ''nous sommes impatients de vous voir ici bientôt ! Si un mercredi soir de #OpenHackuarium ne vous convient pas, nous pouvons fixer une date !''
* Langue principale cette semaine: '''Anglais'''<br>
'''''Normalement, nous avons encore tous les mercredis les soirées portes ouvertes - #OpenHackuarium - auxquelles tout le monde peut venir assister.'''''
* Thème : '''TITLE'''
* Date : '''Mercredi XX.XX.2018, 19h''', présentation et discussion à 19:30 et jusqu'à 21h
* Lieu : Salle "XXX", UniverCité, 3ème étage
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br>
''<big>Venez les mercredis pour les soirées #OpenHackuarium de 19h !</big>''
  * Main language this week: '''English'''<br>
* Theme: '''TITLE'''
* Date: '''Wednesday XX.XX.2018, 19:00''', presentation and discussion start at 19:30
* Location: Room "XXX", UniverCité, 3rd Floor
'''Main Text'''<br>
12-16 October 2024 - Celebrate 10 Years of Hackuarium! 
Add a text description providing more details about the event.<br>
<big>''Schedule and more details above (see link under the image above right, too for more information)!''</big>
You include pictures in the same way as in any other page using the following code:
As a community lab association officially recognised as a public service group, we look forward to seeing you here sometime soon! If an #OpenHackuarium Wednesday evening won't work for you, we can make a date! 
Normally, we are again having Wednesday evening #OpenHackuarium sessions for anyone to attend.  
Add the following tags at the bottom of the page:
<big>Come Wednesdays for #OpenHackuarium from 19h!</big>
<big>See above for the recent schedule of themes.</big>  
And eventually:
<big>'''You can help!'''</big>
===''Médias et presse'' / '''<big>Media and Press</big>'''===
Please check out our [[Press kit]]. It includes press releases and most of our media appearances over the years. Here is the [https://www.ecublens.ch/images/stories/Greffe/documents/Journal%20communal/2024/Ecublens_Infos_No_91_-_octobre_2024_web.pdf latest] in Ecublens Infos, the commune's newspaper, on p14.  /
== [[Protocols | Protocols]] ==
''Veuillez consulter notre <<[[Press kit|Dossier de presse]]>>. Il comprend les communiqués de presse et la plupart de nos apparitions dans les médias au fil des ans. Voici [https://www.ecublens.ch/images/stories/Greffe/documents/Journal%20communal/2024/Ecublens_Infos_No_91_-_octobre_2024_web.pdf le plus récent]dans le 'Ecublens Infos' (p14), un journal communal.''
All the protocols that we use at Hackuarium will be found [[ BioP_Main | here ]] (work in progress).
They are detailed and structured so that the main focus is on applications. The idea is to give crucial information on how to apply the most common techniques of the Biology toolbox. The protocols are structured as follow:
::<li> A scheme describing each
::<li> A brief description of the protocol and its use
::<li> A description of the different ways of carrying out the protocol. Ideally there should be a description of a commercial kit and a DIY kit.
::<li> A description of the safety issues and best practice
::<li> Information specific to Hackuarium and where to find the components, tools and reagents.
== Instruments available ==
We have [[published open-access articles]] about some of our projects. However, our aim is to document all our projects openly, and any inquiries are always welcome. / ''Nous avons publié les articles source ouverte sûr quelques d'entre nos projets. Toutefois, notre objectif est de documenter ouvertement tous nos projets et toute demande de renseignements est toujours la bienvenue.''
[[Instru_Main | This page ]] describes all the instruments available at Hackuarium (work in progress..), their location and how to use them.
=== Up-to-date list of instruments we still need ===
[https://mailchi.mp/7eb4208ce251/hackuarium-16533255 Here is our last newsletter] and [https://us8.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=b0d886380fea16db79d831392&id=676fa13583 here is the archive] of our previous newsletters!  / ''[https://mailchi.mp/7eb4208ce251/hackuarium-16533255 Voici notre dernière newsletter] et [https://us8.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=b0d886380fea16db79d831392&id=676fa13583 les anciennes archivées]!''
This [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1agHVlyMzcg_cdjTlg8bABzjHnOc7Gu0B8v2FGhcEabU/edit?usp=sharing on-line document] contains all the instruments, tools and consumables we are looking for. We have a standard donation contract ([[Contrat_de_donation|contrat de donation]], in French) and if your organisation happen to discard a piece of equipment we are (or may be) looking for, [mailto:hello@hackuarium.ch contact us]!
== Where we shop ==
As a general rule, we do not buy anything. We try to recycle, upcycle, bicycle, epicycle anything we can, or ask around if anyone can provide supplies for free.<br>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Thanks! / ''merci !''
In some cases it does not work out, and so these are the place where we can find what we need.<br>
==<big>''Projets'' / [[Projects]]</big>==
At least [[Projects|a dozen projects]] are ongoing, and many times more that archived (and available for further exploration)!
In any case, '''Please contact [[User:Luchenry|Luc Henry]] if you need to order anything in the name of Hackuarium.'''<br>
Want to learn more about how mushrooms can be used for helping the bees?  Check out our [https://experiment.com/projects/participatory-research-to-explore-fungal-biodiversity-and-its-importance-to-bees #mycelia4bees project]!
===Labware and Reagents===
<big>Remember, all Hackuarium projects are open for others to clone/hack/embellish (CC BY-NC-SA) and learn from!</big> 
Consumables and some chemicals can be purchased from [http://www.huberlab.ch Huber Lab].<br>
In fact, as always, there are great ones, like the one on lake water quality, [[MCBP Campaign 2022|MCBP]], and our [[Urban gardens with rhizobial bacteria|urban gardening]] project (with pea plants!), which really need help from more implicated members. Interested?  Please write ''rachel(at)hackuarium(dot)ch''
More chemicals can be obtained from [https://www.carlroth.com/ch/en Carl Roth].<br>
If necessary, other chemicals and biochemicals can be obtained from [https://www.sigmaaldrich.com Sigma Aldrich].<br>
Molecular biology tools can be purchased from [https://www.qiagen.com/ch/ Qiagen].<br>
Swiss-based [http://www.smiples.ch Smiples] has a very extensive listing of second hand laboratory and technical items. These can be bought from their online shop or from [https://www.ricardo.ch/online-shop/smiples/?SellerNickName=Smiples Ricardo].<br>
The 'Random Page' button in the menu is one fun way to explore, you might like.
But most laboratory hardware can be obtained from our network of friends and partners. Get in touch with [[User:Luchenry|Luc Henry]] if you need anything specific and we'll do our best to find it.<br>
''Au moins [[Projects|une douzaine de projets]] sont en cours, et bien plus encore sont archivés (et disponibles pour une exploration plus approfondie) !''
Algae, protozoa, acuatic life and educational kits: [https://www.sciento.co.uk/ | Sciento]<br>
Bacteria, global biosource center (Hackuarium has a customer account, shop through our Biosecurity manager): [https://www.lgcstandards-atcc.org/?geo_country=ch | ATCC]
Vous voulez en savoir plus sur la façon dont les champignons peuvent être utilisés pour aider les abeilles ? Consultez notre projet #mycelia4bees ! 
Options for electronic parts:
* [http://www.ebay.com Ebay] (international)
''<big>N'oubliez pas que tous les projets du Hackuarium sont ouverts aux autres pour qu'ils les clonent, les hacker, les embellissent (CC BY-NC-SA) et en tirent des enseignements !</big>'' 
* [http://www.aliexpress.com AliExpress] (China)
* [https://www.adafruit.com Adafruit] (UK)
* [http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/ Seeedstudio] (China)
* [http://www.tmart.com/ Tmart] (Hong Kong)
* [https://www.pi-shop.ch/ Rasberry pi shop] (Switzerland)
* [http://www.distrelec.ch/ Distrelec] (Switzerland)
==How to built a new project page on our Wiki==
''En fait, comment toujours, il y a de grands projets, comme l'un sur la qualité de l'eau du lac, [[MCBP Campaign 2022|MCBP]], et notre projet de [[Urban gardens with rhizobial bacteria|jardinage urbain]] (avec des plants de petits pois !), qui ont vraiment besoin de l'aide de membres plus impliqués.  Intéressés ?  Stp nous écrire.''
If you want to start or edit a project page on Hackuarium's wiki, please follow these [[Editing the wiki | instructions]].<br>
''Le bouton 'Random Page' dans le menu est une façon amusante d'explorer, vous pourriez aimer.''
== ReadingList ==
==''Présence sur le web'' / Internet Presence==
Of course, in addition to this wiki we have social media accounts, some more active than others.  Check us out!
''Nous avons, bien sûr, en plus du wiki, des comptes sur les réseaux sociaux, quelques-uns étant plus actifs que d’autres. Jetez un coup d'oeil !'' :
=== The DIY biology / Biohacking movement ===
[https://www.facebook.com/hackuarium/ Facebook]
[https://www.linkedin.com/company/hackuarium LinkedIn]
[https://www.meetup.com/hackuarium/ MeetUp]
[https://twitter.com/hackuarium Twitter]
[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_kasB6icayxS0EoIHDSXoQ YouTube]  [https://www.instagram.com/hackuarium_biohacker_space/ Instagram] 
<li>[http://delfanti.org/biohackers/ Biohackers. The politics of open science] by Alessandro Delfanti (2013) London: Pluto Press.
Sadly, our current website is still in need of serious updates... (Much info is old, although the project pages - [http://www.hackuarium.ch/en/genomic-integrity/ for example] - and links are still mainly good.)  
::[http://delfanti.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Science-2014-Golinelli-521.pdf A review] by [[User:luchenry | Luc Henry]]
<li>[http://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40504-016-0039-1 DIY-Bio – economic, epistemological and ethical implications and ambivalences] by Jozef Keulartz and Henk van den Belt (2016) Life Sciences, Society and Policy
<li>[http://www.biobasedworldnews.com/biohacking-everything-you-need-to-know-about-diy-biology Biohacking] everything you need to know about diy biology, (Accessed 05.2016)<br>
<li>[http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/genspace-nyc-receives-350000-in-support-from-the-simons-foundation-300237457.html Genspace gets funding], PRNewswire, (Accessed 05.2016)<br>
<li>[http://www.nature.com/news/governance-learn-from-diy-biologists-1.19507 Learn from DIY biologists], Todd Kuiken, Nature, (Accessed 05.2016)
Our instagram is a bit split too, with an old one inaccessible, so we made a newer one... please [https://www.instagram.com/hackuarium_biohacker_space/ follow us]!
And a much more complete list by [https://www.kuleuven.be/wieiswie/en/person/00105850 Massimiliano Simons], KU Leuven:
''Malheureusement, notre site web actuel a encore besoin de sérieuses mises à jour... (Beaucoup d'informations sont anciennes, bien que les pages de projets - [http://www.hackuarium.ch/en/genomic-integrity/ par exemple] -  et les liens soient encore en grande partie bons.) Notre instagram est aussi un peu divisé, avec un ancien inaccessible, et un plus récent... suivez-nous svp !''
'''Want to find out more directly?''' Here's where you can [https://hackuarium.us8.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=b0d886380fea16db79d831392&id=676fa13583 join in to receive our newsletter] (& here is the [https://us8.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=b0d886380fea16db79d831392&id=676fa13583 newsletter archive]) / '''''Vous voulez en savoir plus et en direct ?''' Voici où vous pouvez vous [https://hackuarium.us8.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=b0d886380fea16db79d831392&id=676fa13583 inscrire pour recevoir notre newsletter], tout [https://us8.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=b0d886380fea16db79d831392&id=676fa13583 archivé ici].'')
<li>[http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/34457/title/The-Rebirth-of-DIYbio/ The Rebirth of DIYbio] by Jef Akst, The Scientist, March 2013
We also work together on [https://hackuarium.slack.com/ Slack], where anyone can join in!  / ''Nous nous retrouvons également sur [https://hackuarium.slack.com/ Slack], où tout le monde peut participer !''
<li>[https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21829236-300-citizen-scientist-out-of-the-lab-and-onto-the-streets/ Out of the lab and onto the streets] by Kat Austen, New Scientist, June 2013
<li>[https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article/65/1/112/379448/DIYbio-Alternative-Career-Path-for-Biologists DIYbio - Alternative Career Path for Biologists?] by Beth Baker, BioScience (2015) 65 (1): 112
<li>[http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v27/n12/full/nbt1209-1109.html From synthetic biology to biohacking: are we prepared?] by Gaymon Bennett, Nils Gilman, Anthony Stavrianakis & Paul Rabinow, Nature Biotechnology 27, 1109 - 1111 (2009)
<li>[http://repository.jmls.edu/ripl/vol10/iss3/1/Patent Office as Biosecurity Gatekeeper: Fosering Responsible Science and Building Public Trust in DIY Science] by Brian J. Gorman, J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 423 (2011)
<li>[http://wi.mobilities.ca/roberta-buiani-biolab-on-wheels-finding-a-space-for-a-diy-bio-lab-in-toronto/ Biolab-on-Wheels: finding a space for a DIY bio lab in Toronto] by Roberta Buiani, Journal of Mobile Media, February 2015
<li>Charisius, Hanno & Friebe, Richard & Karberg, Sascha - Biohacking: Gentechnik aus der Garage
<li>Curry, Helen Anne - From garden biotech to garage biotech: amateur experimental biology in historical perspective
<li>Davies, Sarah R. & Karin Tybjerg & Louise Whiteley & Thomas Söderqvist - Co-curation as hacking: biohackers in Copenhagen's Medical Museion
<li>Delfanti, Alessandro - Biohackers: The Politics of Open Science
<li>Delfanti, Alessandro - Tweaking genes in your garage: biohacking between activism and entrepreneurship
<li>Delfanti, Alessandro - Is Do-it-Yourself Biology Being Co-opted by Institutions?
<li>Delfanti, Alessandro - Distributed biotechnology
<li>Delfanti, Alessandro - Hacking genomes. The ethics of open and rebel biology
<li>Delgado, Ana - DIYbio: Making things and making futures
<li>Editorial - Empowering citizen scientists
<li>Eggleson, Kathleen - Transatlantic Divergences in Citizen Science Ethics - Comparative Analysis of the DIYbio Code of Ethics Drafts of 2011
<li>Gewin, Virginia - Independent streak
<li>Golinelli, Stefano & Guido Ruivenkamp - Do-it-yourself biology: Action research within the life sciences
<li>Grushkin, D., Kuiken, T., Millet, P - Seven Myths & Realities about Do-It-Yourself Biology
<li>Grushkin, Daniel - Am I a biohazard?
<li>Holloway, Dustin - Regulating Amateurs
<li>Jefferson, Chaterine - Governing Amateur Biology: Extending Respnonsible Research and Innovation in Synthetic Biology to New Actors
<li>Kean, Sam - A Lab of Their Own
<li>Kelty, Christopher - Outlaw, hackers, victorian amateurs: diagnosing publich participation in the life sciences today
<li>Kera, Denisa - Hackerspaces and DIYbio in Asia: connecting science and community with open data, kits and protocols
<li>Kera, Denisa - Innovation regimes based on collaborative and global tinkering: Synthetic biology and nanotechnology in the hackerspaces
<li>Kuiken, Todd - DIYbio: Low Risk, High Potential
<li>Kuiken, Todd - Learn from Do-It-Yourself Biologists
<li>Kuznetsov, Stacey - Expanding Our Visions of Citizen Science
<li>Kuznetsov, Stacey & Alex Taylor & Tim Regan & Nicolas Villar & Eric Paulos - At the seams: DIYbio and opportunities for HCI
<li>Kuznetsov, Stacey & Carrie Doonan & Nathan Wilson & Swarna Mohan & Scott E. Hudson & Eric Paulson - DIYbio Things: Open Source Biology Tools as Platforms fo rHybrid Knowledge Production and Scientific Participation
<li>Landrain, Thomas & Meyer, Morgan & Perez, Ariel Martin & Sussan, Remi - Do-it-yourself biology: challenges and promises for an open science and technology movement
<li>Lisa Z. Scheifele & Thomas Burkett - The First Three Years of a Community Lab: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward
<li>McKenna, Phil - Rise of the garage genome hackers
<li>Meyer, Morgan - Build your own lab
<li>Meyer, Morgan - Domesticating and democratizing science: a geography of do-it-yourself biology
<li>Meyer, Morgan - Hacking Life? The Politics and Poetics of DIY Biology
<li>Meyer, Morgan - Bricoler, domestiquer et contourner la science
<li>Nascimento, Susana & Angela Guimaraes Pereira & Alessia Ghezzi - From Citizen Science to Do It Yourself Science
<li>NSABB - Strategies to Educate Amateur Biologists and Scientists in Non-life Science Disciplines About Dual use Research in the Life Science
<li>Schmidt, Markus - Diffusion of synthetic biology
<li>Scudellari, Megan - Biology Hacklabs
<li>Seyfried, Günter & Pei, Lei & Schmidt, Markus - European do-it-yourself (DIY) biology: Beyond the hope, hype and horror
<li>Sholette, Gregory - Disciplining the avant-garde: The United States versus the Critical Art Ensemble
<li>Sipra Bihani & Michael Hartman & Florian Sobiegalla & Amanda rosenberg - Comparing network strutures of commercial and non-commercial biohacking online-communities
<li>Söderberg, Johan & Delfanti, Alessandro - Hacking Hacked! The Life Cycles of Digital Innovation
<li>Söderberg, Johan & Delfanti, Alessandro - Repurposing the hacker. Three temporalities of recuperation
<li>Tocchetti, Sara - DIYbiologists as 'Makers' of Personal Biologies
<li>Tocchetti, Sara - What kind of work we are doing now and what kind of work we want to do
<li>Tocchetti, Sara & Sara Angeli Aguiton - Is an FBI Agent an DIY Biologist Like Any Oter? A Cultural Analysis of a Biosecurity Risk
<li>Trojok, Rüdiger - Biohacking: Gentechnologie für Alle
<li>van Boheemen, Pieter & Huib de Vriend - Do-it-yourself biology: Een verkenning van ontwikkelingen in Nederland
<li>Wohlsen, Marcus - Biopunk: Solving Biotech's Biggest Problems in Kitchens and Garages
=== Open Hardware ===
==''Adhésions'' / Membership==
<li>[http://www.nature.com/news/open-hardware-pioneers-push-for-low-cost-lab-kit-1.19518 Open-hardware, pioneers push for low-cost lab kit] by Elizabeth Gibney, Nature, (Accessed 05.2016)<br>
<li>[http://www.appropedia.org/Open-source_Lab#Examples Appropedia] a source of DIY instruments builds, Dr. Joshua Pearce, (Accessed 05.2016)<br>
<li>[http://www.ohwr.org/projects/fr_pcb_mm The PCB milling machine], Open Hardware Repository, (Accessed 05.2016)<br>
:: [https://pt.wikiversity.org/wiki/Pesquisa:Ferramentas_livres:Work_group_for_development_of_the_hyperobject_workbench More]
<li>http://www.creativeapplications.net/processing/sensortape-3d-aware-dense-sensor-network-on-a-tape/, Sensory network on a roll of tape, Filip Visnjic, (Accessed 05.2016)<br>
<li>[http://oceanoptics.com/product/redeye-oxygen-sensing-patches/ RedEye Oxygen Sensing Patches], Ocean Optics, (Accessed 05.2016) <br>
=== Art ===
===''Qui sommes nous ?'' / [[Who are we?]]===
<li> [http://www.booooooom.com/2016/04/04/mattia-menchetti-gives-wasps-coloured-paper-to-create-rainbow-nests/#more-78906 Rainbow wasp nests], Mattia Menchetti, (Accessed 05.2016)<br>
<li> [http://thecreatorsproject.vice.com/blog/dirty-beats-hear-music-generated-from-bacteria Dirty beats] making music with bacteria, Interspecifics(Accessed 05.2016)<br>
::[http://www.interspecifics.cc/-/ More1], [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21239171, More2], [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12501293, More3]<br>
=== Ideas/Concepts/Science ===
===''Voulez-vous nous rejoindre?'' [[Member|/ Want to join in?]]===
<li>[http://ideas.ted.com/a-newly-drawn-tree-of-life-reminds-us-to-question-what-we-know/ The new tree of life] TED (Accessed 05.2016)<br>
<blockquote>''Les personnes qui respectent [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J1ZGm6sR43k8XHQSQAcswlnQG48DMPvJ/view?usp=sharing le code d'éthique de diybio] (ce lien donne les informations que nous donnons aux visiteurs du laboratoire...) sont invitées à se joindre à notre laboratoire communautaire.'' / Those who respect [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J1ZGm6sR43k8XHQSQAcswlnQG48DMPvJ/view?usp=sharing the diybio code of ethics] (we give the info in this last link to visitors to the lab...) are invited to join in our community lab adventure. </blockquote>
<li>[https://medium.com/now-of-work/the-workplace-of-the-future-work-of-today-16c58df1fa29#.zhbu0c57f Rethinking work], Yann Heurtaux, (Accessed 05.2016)<br>
<li>[https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/910418035/plastic-bottle-cutter That plastic bottle cutter], Pavel & Ian, (Accessed 05.2016)<br>
=== Open Source ===
==''Nos amis'' / [[Friends]] of Hackuarium==
<li>[https://blogs.openaire.eu/?p=882 Results held hostage], Francesco Mondada, (Accessed 05.2016)<br>
Internationally, we have [[friends]] involved in many biohacker spaces and projects. We hope we can all do more together, too!
==Visual Identity==
* [[Logo]]
* [http://wiki.hackuarium.ch/images/9/9d/HackuariumPoster.pdf Our poster in pdf ready to print]
* Working on a footage for videos (comming soon)
== Media and Press ==
Please check our [[Press kit]] out. It includes a prototype Press review of most of our media appearances over the years.
== EU Paperwork ==
Funding opportunities are also being pursued, and all are welcome to help... It's a perfect time to plan for the future of open science and fun projects here.
We now have an identification number aka [https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/support/faqs/faq-1055.html Participant Identification Code (PIC)] from the European Participant Portal for any Horizon 2020 application. The Hackuarium PIC number is 907732306. It can be verified on [http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/organisations/register.html# the official search engine].
== Wanted ==
''Au niveau international, nous avons des amis impliqués dans de nombreux espaces et projets biohackers.''
Do you want to contribute to making Hackuarium a diverse and lively community? Check out our wanted lists:
::<li>[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1agHVlyMzcg_cdjTlg8bABzjHnOc7Gu0B8v2FGhcEabU/edit?usp=sharing Equipment]
''Nous espérons que nous pourrons en faire plus ensemble !''
''Des possibilités de financement sont également recherchées, et tous sont les bienvenus pour nous aider...  C'est le moment idéal pour planifier l'avenir de la science ouverte et des projets amusants ici.''
'''<big>Would you like to make a donation to help support our Open Science work? It would be quite welcome, and is tax deductible! =)</big>'''
'''''<big>Souhaitez-vous faire un don pour soutenir notre travail dans le domaine de la science ouverte ? Les dons sont les bienvenus et sont déductibles des impôts ! =)</big>'''''
'''Bank details ''/ Nos coordonnées bancaires sont:'''''
Banque Alternative Suisse
En faveur du compte : Association Hackuarium
Adresse : Route de Crochy 20, 1024 Ecublens
IBAN : CH59 0839 0033 4153 1000 3
Swift/BIC : ABSOCH22
'''Are you interested in some 'Merch?'  ''Êtes-vous intéressé par un peu de "Merch"'' ?''' (we are following iNaturalist and counter culture labs in starting a [https://www.zazzle.ch/store/hackuarium zazzle store]...)<h1><span class="mw-headline" id="Contribute_to_the_wiki">''Contribuer au wiki de Hackuarium'' / Contribute to the Hackuarium wiki</span></h1>
<p>'''Remember, a wiki is simply a website or online resource that can be edited by multiple users.'''
<p>That means this website is really meant to be edited by <b>YOU</b> (like for Wikipedia!) to openly document your research projects and share not just knowledge but know-how! 
<p>All Hackuarium members are encouraged to [[Editing the wiki|join in the fun]], and edit their project documentation pages!
<p>You want to do something for our world?  Open science documentation is a challenge, especially when people are doing it in their spare time, but it is worth it!
<p>Here is a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Editing great starting point to get help on editing] a wiki.
<p>Most important is to '''find the fun - then it's a snap ...''' (thx to MP for this)
<p>'''''N'oubliez pas - un wiki est simplement un site web ou une ressource en ligne qui peut être modifié par plusieurs utilisateurs.'''''
<p>''Cela signifie que ce site est vraiment destiné à être édité par '''VOUS''' (comme pour Wikipedia !) pour documenter ouvertement vos projets de recherche et partager non seulement des connaissances mais aussi du savoir-faire !''
</p><p>Tous les membres de Hackuarium sont encouragés à [[Editing the wiki|se joindre à nous]], de rédiger leurs pages de documentation du projet.
</p>''Vous voulez faire quelque chose pour notre monde ? La documentation scientifique ouverte est un défi, surtout lorsque les gens le font pendant leur temps libre, mais cela en vaut la peine !''
''Voici un [https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aide:Comment_modifier_une_page excellent point de départ pour obtenir de l'aide sur l'édition] d'un wiki.''
''Le plus important est de '''trouver le plaisir - ensuite c'est un jeu d'enfant ...'''(merci à MP pour cela)''
Check out some old wiki pages with the tool 'Random page' in the menu to the left!
''Explorer les pages anciens avec 'Random page' dans le menu à gauche'' !
<div class="printfooter"> </div><div class="visualClear">
'''If you have any questions, just ask!'''
'''''Si tu as des questions, simplement demandez !'''''
'''=) here! ''ici !''  hello (at) hackuarium (point) ch'''
=''Vers du biohacking durable'' / Toward Sustainable Biohacking=
The cooperative space in Ecublens is only provisional. We need support and concrete plans for the future.
You can help! Our member projects make us what we are today...
''L'espace coopérative en Ecublens est provisoire. Nous allons besoin de soutien et des plans concrets pour l'avenir.''
''Vous pouvez nous aider !  Les projets de nos membres font de nous ce que nous sommes aujourd'hui...''
*Dreams / ''Rêves''
*Actions  /  Actions !
[[File:Mauricepeas.png|thumb|''un exemple du [[Urban gardens with rhizobial bacteria|projet du jardinage urbain]]'' 2021 / urban gardens 2021|alt=]]
all [[old archived|old pages are archived]], of course
/ ''toutes les pages [[FR Oldversion|anciennes sont archivés]], bien sûr''
</div><big>If anyone would like to get involved in this year's urban garden work, let us know !</big>
(We've got the gardening group of Echandens, Les P'tites Pousses, involved for [[Jardinage urbain 2024|2024]]...) 
<big>''Si quelqu'un souhaite s'impliquer dans le travail de jardinage urbain de l'année, faites-le nous savoir !''</big>
(On a les P'tites pousses d'Echandens impliqués pour 2024, en plus que Michel...)
[[Category:Work In Progress]]

Latest revision as of 03:56, 3 October 2024

Welcome to Hackuarium, a community lab association in Switzerland, where we explore biology, science and technology and promote participatory research.

Bienvenue au Hackuarium, une laboratoire communautaire en la Suisse, où nous découvrons la biologie, la science et la technologie et encourageons la recherche participative.

This wiki is meant to be bilingual, and any feedback is welcome!

Ce wiki est censé être bilingue, et tout commentaire est le bienvenu !

Grandes nouvelles / Big News

party time for our 10th anniversary! / la fête à l'occasion de notre 10e anniversaire ! plus d'info

Our big 10th anniversary celebrations are coming up soon, from 12-16 October!

On the program are:

  • a STEAM Bioplastic/Bioart Workshop with Angela Pisani (12 October from 14-17h )
  • a festive dinner (12 October from 18h-)
  • a conference, including special invited speakers, Thomas Landrain of JOGL (and also a cofounder of La Paillasse) and Richard Timsit of the FabLab in Renens (13 October from 16-18h) and
  • a special #OH with demonstrations (16 October from 19h-)

Please confirm your presence especially for the 12th! (Please write - hello@hackuarium.ch)

Still hoping you start to make the habit to come every Wednesday! )

Come learn more at Hackuarium, where we mix biology and technology to solve problems, democratise research, and have fun!

Join in for our #OpenHackuarium open door evenings every Wednesday from 19h, to which anyone is welcome.

Here are some of the old 'Big News' items so you can see what else has been going on...


Les célébrations de notre 10e anniversaire se dérouleront bientôt, du 12 au 16 octobre !

Au programme

  • un atelier STEAM Bioplastic/Bioart avec Angela Pisani (le 12 octobre de 14 à 17 heures)
  • un souper festif (le 12 octobre à partir de 18h)
  • une conférence, avec des invités spéciaux, Thomas Landrain du JOGL (et également cofondateur de La Paillasse) et Richard Timsit du FabLab de Renens (le 13 octobre de 16-18h) et
  • un #OH spécial avec démonstrations (le 16 octobre de 19h-)

Merci de confirmer votre présence, surtout pour le 12oct ! (Ecrire svp - hello@hackuarium.ch)

En espérant toujours que tu prennes l'habitude de venir tous les mercredis !

Venez en apprendre plus à Hackuarium, où nous allions biologie et technologie pour résoudre des problèmes, démocratiser la recherche, et s'amuser !

Venez et participez à notre #OpenHackuarium soirées de portes ouvertes tous les mercredis à partir de 19h. Voici quelques anciennes "grandes nouvelles" pour vous permettre de voir ce qui s'est passé..

Prochains Événements / Next Events

Festivities for our 10th anniversary are happening soon!

We are also still planning more workshops.

Bioart, DIY microscopy? Tell us what you would like!

More waterbears around the lab... =) (here's 3s of it 'swimming'...)

Our next board meeting will be on the 25th of September.

Normally, we are again having Wednesday evening #OpenHackuarium sessions for anyone to attend. This is the upcoming list of themes for these:

#OH Thèmes / Dates

2oct- #OH avec Esther

9oct- #OH tbd

16oct- #OH spéciale avec Demos


Les festivités de notre 10e anniversaire sont imminentes !

Nous allons toujours organiser aussi davantage d'ateliers.

L'art bio, microscopie 'diy'? Dites-nous ce que vous aimeriez!

Normalement, nous avons encore tous les mercredis les soirées portes ouvertes #OpenHackuarium auxquelles tout le monde peut venir assister. Cette semaine se tient l'assemblée générale, qui est également une bonne occasion d'en savoir plus sur notre laboratoire communautaire.

Come Wednesdays for #OpenHackuarium from 19h! SVP voir la liste de thèmes dessus...

Venez les mercredis pour les soirées #OpenHackuarium de 19h !

C'est quoi, Hackuarium? / What is Hackuarium?

Tout le monde peut nous rejoindre pour de la science ouverte! Everyone can join in for open science!
Nous nous réjouissons de la publication de l'article sur la qualité de l'eau (après l'évaluation par les pairs!) / Jumping to celebrate the water quality paper finally out (after peer-review!)
une alternative microbienne au cuir / a microbial alternative to leather, 'scoby' cellulose de / from kombucha.

Hackuarium is a not-for-profit Swiss association aiming to democratise science through public engagement.
We are a community laboratory for open science for everyone.

Our laboratories in Ecublens (Switzerland) are open to anyone sharing the values of the association and dedicated to follow the DIYbio Europe ethical guidelines.

Our projects are initiated and carried out by scientists and non-scientists from a variety of backgrounds. Our members are passionate about tinkering with biology in particular, and technology in general. Some are engineers, architects, designers, IT and computer scientists or retired professionals, but others have no scientific education. They are mostly people interested in open and participatory research and innovation, outside the constraints of traditional institutions.

Hackuarium members' projects are our driving force. Interdisciplinary groups passionate about something and access to the varied upcycled resources in the lab are our key means by which to innovate and investigate new ways of carrying out research. Making the results open, accessible (low-cost), simple and easily reproducible (low-tech) and promoting an open source philosophy are ideal outcomes of our work. All old projects are available for reuse, revision and hacking out parallel attempts, also internationally...

As a community lab association officially recognised as a public service group, we look forward to seeing you here sometime soon! If an #OpenHackuarium Wednesday evening won't work for you, we can make a date!

Let us know if you are interested in collaborations!

Write us with any questions or comments at hello (at) hackuarium (dot) ch


Hackuarium est une association suisse à but non lucratif visant à démocratiser la science par l'engagement du public.

Nos laboratoires à Ecublens (Suisse) sont ouverts à toute personne partageant les valeurs de l'association et s'engageant à suivre les directives éthiques de DIYbio Europe.

Nos projets sont initiés et menés à bien par des scientifiques et des non-scientifiques issus d'horizons divers. Nos membres sont passionnés par le bricolage en biologie en particulier, et en technologie en général. Certains sont ingénieurs, architectes, designers, informaticiens ou professionnels à la retraite, mais d'autres n'ont aucune formation scientifique. Ce sont surtout des personnes intéressées par la recherche et l'innovation ouvertes et participatives, en dehors des contraintes des institutions traditionnelles.

Les projets des membres du Hackuarium sont notre force motrice. Des groupes interdisciplinaires passionnés par un sujet et l'accès aux diverses ressources recyclées du laboratoire sont nos principaux moyens d'innover et d'étudier de nouvelles façons de mener des recherches. Rendre les résultats ouverts, accessibles (à faible coût), simples et facilement reproductibles (à faible technicité) et promouvoir une philosophie de source ouverte sont les résultats idéaux de notre travail. Tous les anciens projets sont disponibles pour la réutilisation, la révision et le 'hacking' de tentatives parallèles, également au niveau international...

En tant qu'une association de laboratoire communautaire reconnue officiellement d'utilité publique, nous sommes impatients de vous voir ici bientôt ! Si un mercredi soir de #OpenHackuarium ne vous convient pas, nous pouvons fixer une date !

Faites-nous savoir si vous êtes intéressés par des collaborations !

Menu de navigation / Navigation menu

The Hackuarium Wiki was started in 2015, and has a great deal of information...

salt water down under / l'eau salée dans l'Australie
The view from Morges, not far from our space in Ecublens. Would that Mont Blanc would always stay white, not become gray... The climate also is a focus here. / le vue de Morges, pas loin de notre espace en Ecublens. Si seulement le Mont Blanc restait toujours blanc, et ne devenait pas gris... le climat est également une préoccupation.

This is the updated and simplified bilingual entry.

This 'biohacking' adventure has already been going on over 10 years!

(Hackuarium's official 'birthday' is 13Aug2014.)


Le wiki de Hackuarium a été lancé en 2015, et contient de nombreuses informations....

Voici l'entrée bilingue mise à jour et simplifiée.

Cette aventure de "biohacking" dure déjà depuis plus de 10 ans !

(L'anniversaire officiel de Hackuarium est le 13 août 2014).

L'emplacement / Site

We share a cooperative space in Ecublens, Switzerland, near Lausanne, with a couple of other associations interested in hacking and making. These include Octanis (which in addition to starting as a Hackuarium project, is now not only its own association, but also a company, with another branch in Zurich), Polymeka, where you can do everything from wood to metal work. Rapid prototyping, anyone?

Some startups including (traditionally ;P ) a brewerie round out our group in this nice space in Ecublens.

One must note, however, this space is not our long term home and is destined to be destroyed. In 3-5 years they said when we signed the renters' agreement in 2019.

Any ideas for planning for our future new home warmly welcomed!


Nous partageons un espace coopératif à Ecublens, en Suisse, près de Lausanne, avec quelques autres associations intéressées par le hacking et le making. Il s'agit notamment d'Octanis (qui, en plus d'avoir commencé comme un projet du Hackuarium, est maintenant non seulement sa propre association, mais aussi une entreprise, avec une branche aussi à Zurich), Polymeka, où vous pouvez tout faire, du travail du bois au travail du métal. Prototypage rapide, quelqu'un ?

Quelques startups, dont (traditionnellement ;P ) une brasserie, complètent notre groupe dans cet espace sympa en Ecublens.

Il faut noter, cependant, que cet espace est provisoire, à détruire dans 3 ou 5 ans quand nous avons signé le bail en 2019...

N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos idées pour planifier notre futur space !

Nouvelles / News

Découvrez la science ouverte et le biohacking au Hackuarium ! / Explore Open Science and Biohacking at Hackuarium!

= big 10th anniversary celebrations, 12-16oct =

To sign up!

We look forward to having more local peeps checking out the lab and biohacking. You can show people our wiki or a flyer (like the one to the left).

Nous nous réjouissons à l'idée que d'autres personnes de la ville viendront visiter le laboratoire et découvrir le biohacking. Vous pouvez montrer notre 'flyer' (à gauche) ou ce wiki aux personnes potentiellement intéressées.

See below, under Press, for more on our newsletters. You can find an archive of old ones in the links below, too...

bioart bot image
thx esp to Tim Dobbs

Les liens vers le newsletter et les anciennes editions archivées sont trouvée dessous, dans le rubrique Médias et presse.

Événements / Events

12-16 oct 2024 - fête de 10 ans !

- programme dessus (voir aussi le lien dessous l'image à droit)

En tant qu'une association de laboratoire communautaire reconnue officiellement d'utilité publique, nous sommes impatients de vous voir ici bientôt ! Si un mercredi soir de #OpenHackuarium ne vous convient pas, nous pouvons fixer une date !

Normalement, nous avons encore tous les mercredis les soirées portes ouvertes - #OpenHackuarium - auxquelles tout le monde peut venir assister.

Venez les mercredis pour les soirées #OpenHackuarium de 19h !


12-16 October 2024 - Celebrate 10 Years of Hackuarium!

Schedule and more details above (see link under the image above right, too for more information)!

As a community lab association officially recognised as a public service group, we look forward to seeing you here sometime soon! If an #OpenHackuarium Wednesday evening won't work for you, we can make a date!

Normally, we are again having Wednesday evening #OpenHackuarium sessions for anyone to attend.

Come Wednesdays for #OpenHackuarium from 19h!

See above for the recent schedule of themes.

You can help!

Médias et presse / Media and Press

Please check out our Press kit. It includes press releases and most of our media appearances over the years. Here is the latest in Ecublens Infos, the commune's newspaper, on p14. /

Veuillez consulter notre <<Dossier de presse>>. Il comprend les communiqués de presse et la plupart de nos apparitions dans les médias au fil des ans. Voici le plus récentdans le 'Ecublens Infos' (p14), un journal communal.

We have published open-access articles about some of our projects. However, our aim is to document all our projects openly, and any inquiries are always welcome. / Nous avons publié les articles source ouverte sûr quelques d'entre nos projets. Toutefois, notre objectif est de documenter ouvertement tous nos projets et toute demande de renseignements est toujours la bienvenue.

Here is our last newsletter and here is the archive of our previous newsletters! / Voici notre dernière newsletter et les anciennes archivées!

*Thanks! / merci !

Projets / Projects

At least a dozen projects are ongoing, and many times more that archived (and available for further exploration)!

Want to learn more about how mushrooms can be used for helping the bees? Check out our #mycelia4bees project!

Remember, all Hackuarium projects are open for others to clone/hack/embellish (CC BY-NC-SA) and learn from!

In fact, as always, there are great ones, like the one on lake water quality, MCBP, and our urban gardening project (with pea plants!), which really need help from more implicated members. Interested? Please write rachel(at)hackuarium(dot)ch

The 'Random Page' button in the menu is one fun way to explore, you might like. /

Au moins une douzaine de projets sont en cours, et bien plus encore sont archivés (et disponibles pour une exploration plus approfondie) !

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur la façon dont les champignons peuvent être utilisés pour aider les abeilles ? Consultez notre projet #mycelia4bees !

N'oubliez pas que tous les projets du Hackuarium sont ouverts aux autres pour qu'ils les clonent, les hacker, les embellissent (CC BY-NC-SA) et en tirent des enseignements !

En fait, comment toujours, il y a de grands projets, comme l'un sur la qualité de l'eau du lac, MCBP, et notre projet de jardinage urbain (avec des plants de petits pois !), qui ont vraiment besoin de l'aide de membres plus impliqués. Intéressés ? Stp nous écrire.

Le bouton 'Random Page' dans le menu est une façon amusante d'explorer, vous pourriez aimer.

Présence sur le web / Internet Presence

Of course, in addition to this wiki we have social media accounts, some more active than others. Check us out! Nous avons, bien sûr, en plus du wiki, des comptes sur les réseaux sociaux, quelques-uns étant plus actifs que d’autres. Jetez un coup d'oeil ! :

Facebook LinkedIn MeetUp Twitter YouTube Instagram

Sadly, our current website is still in need of serious updates... (Much info is old, although the project pages - for example - and links are still mainly good.)

Our instagram is a bit split too, with an old one inaccessible, so we made a newer one... please follow us!

Malheureusement, notre site web actuel a encore besoin de sérieuses mises à jour... (Beaucoup d'informations sont anciennes, bien que les pages de projets - par exemple - et les liens soient encore en grande partie bons.) Notre instagram est aussi un peu divisé, avec un ancien inaccessible, et un plus récent... suivez-nous svp !

Want to find out more directly? Here's where you can join in to receive our newsletter (& here is the newsletter archive) / Vous voulez en savoir plus et en direct ? Voici où vous pouvez vous inscrire pour recevoir notre newsletter, tout archivé ici.)

We also work together on Slack, where anyone can join in! / Nous nous retrouvons également sur Slack, où tout le monde peut participer !

Adhésions / Membership

Qui sommes nous ? / Who are we?

Voulez-vous nous rejoindre? / Want to join in?

Les personnes qui respectent le code d'éthique de diybio (ce lien donne les informations que nous donnons aux visiteurs du laboratoire...) sont invitées à se joindre à notre laboratoire communautaire. / Those who respect the diybio code of ethics (we give the info in this last link to visitors to the lab...) are invited to join in our community lab adventure.

Nos amis / Friends of Hackuarium

Internationally, we have friends involved in many biohacker spaces and projects. We hope we can all do more together, too!

Funding opportunities are also being pursued, and all are welcome to help... It's a perfect time to plan for the future of open science and fun projects here.

Au niveau international, nous avons des amis impliqués dans de nombreux espaces et projets biohackers.

Nous espérons que nous pourrons en faire plus ensemble !

Des possibilités de financement sont également recherchées, et tous sont les bienvenus pour nous aider... C'est le moment idéal pour planifier l'avenir de la science ouverte et des projets amusants ici.

Would you like to make a donation to help support our Open Science work? It would be quite welcome, and is tax deductible! =)

Souhaitez-vous faire un don pour soutenir notre travail dans le domaine de la science ouverte ? Les dons sont les bienvenus et sont déductibles des impôts ! =)

Bank details / Nos coordonnées bancaires sont:

Banque Alternative Suisse

En faveur du compte : Association Hackuarium

Adresse : Route de Crochy 20, 1024 Ecublens

IBAN : CH59 0839 0033 4153 1000 3

Swift/BIC : ABSOCH22

Are you interested in some 'Merch?' Êtes-vous intéressé par un peu de "Merch" ? (we are following iNaturalist and counter culture labs in starting a zazzle store...)

Contribuer au wiki de Hackuarium / Contribute to the Hackuarium wiki

Remember, a wiki is simply a website or online resource that can be edited by multiple users.

That means this website is really meant to be edited by YOU (like for Wikipedia!) to openly document your research projects and share not just knowledge but know-how!

All Hackuarium members are encouraged to join in the fun, and edit their project documentation pages!

You want to do something for our world? Open science documentation is a challenge, especially when people are doing it in their spare time, but it is worth it!

Here is a great starting point to get help on editing a wiki.

Most important is to find the fun - then it's a snap ... (thx to MP for this)


N'oubliez pas - un wiki est simplement un site web ou une ressource en ligne qui peut être modifié par plusieurs utilisateurs.

Cela signifie que ce site est vraiment destiné à être édité par VOUS (comme pour Wikipedia !) pour documenter ouvertement vos projets de recherche et partager non seulement des connaissances mais aussi du savoir-faire !

Tous les membres de Hackuarium sont encouragés à se joindre à nous, de rédiger leurs pages de documentation du projet.

Vous voulez faire quelque chose pour notre monde ? La documentation scientifique ouverte est un défi, surtout lorsque les gens le font pendant leur temps libre, mais cela en vaut la peine !

Voici un excellent point de départ pour obtenir de l'aide sur l'édition d'un wiki.

Le plus important est de trouver le plaisir - ensuite c'est un jeu d'enfant ...(merci à MP pour cela)

Check out some old wiki pages with the tool 'Random page' in the menu to the left!

Explorer les pages anciens avec 'Random page' dans le menu à gauche !

If you have any questions, just ask!

Si tu as des questions, simplement demandez !

=) here! ici ! hello (at) hackuarium (point) ch

Vers du biohacking durable / Toward Sustainable Biohacking

The cooperative space in Ecublens is only provisional. We need support and concrete plans for the future.

You can help! Our member projects make us what we are today...

L'espace coopérative en Ecublens est provisoire. Nous allons besoin de soutien et des plans concrets pour l'avenir.

Vous pouvez nous aider ! Les projets de nos membres font de nous ce que nous sommes aujourd'hui...

  • Dreams / Rêves
  • Actions / Actions !
un exemple du projet du jardinage urbain 2021 / urban gardens 2021

all old pages are archived, of course / toutes les pages anciennes sont archivés, bien sûr

If anyone would like to get involved in this year's urban garden work, let us know !

(We've got the gardening group of Echandens, Les P'tites Pousses, involved for 2024...)

Si quelqu'un souhaite s'impliquer dans le travail de jardinage urbain de l'année, faites-le nous savoir !

(On a les P'tites pousses d'Echandens impliqués pour 2024, en plus que Michel...)