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This is a beta version of our upcoming '''Press kit'''.
Welcome to our '''Press kit'''.
== Contact ==
== Contact ==
== Logo ==
Please get in touch with a Board member, using the following [mailto:hello@hackuarium.ch email]. You can also check who are the current [[Board]] Members.  Always happy to set up special meeting dates, esp if the Wednesday #OH might not work for you.
See [[Logo]]
Veuillez prendre contact avec un membre du comité, en utilisant l'adresse électronique dessus. Vous pouvez également vérifier avec l'autre lien dessus, qui sont les membres actuels du comité. Tout le monde sera heureux de fixer des dates de réunions particuliers, surtout si le soirée #OH ne marchera pas.
== A propos ==
== A propos ==
[[Hackuarium:About | A propos d'Hackuarium]]
[[Hackuarium:About | A propos d'Hackuarium]]
'''See also [[Old_archived#Reading_List|the Reading List on our old Main Page]]'''.
Over the years, various [[on-line events]] have been recorded: a non-exhaustive list of links is provided.
Here is [https://mailchi.mp/7eb4208ce251/hackuarium-16533255 our most recent newsletter] and here is [https://us8.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=b0d886380fea16db79d831392&id=676fa13583 the archive of our previous newsletters]! / ''Voici [https://mailchi.mp/7eb4208ce251/hackuarium-16533255 notre dernière newsletter] et les [https://us8.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=b0d886380fea16db79d831392&id=676fa13583 anciennes archivées]!'' 
To note: we try to make most things bilingual, and are always glad for more help...
''à noter: nous essayons de rendre la plupart des choses bilingues, et nous sommes toujours heureux d'avoir de l'aide...''
== Peer-reviewed articles and more ==
===Peer-Reviewed Articles from Hackuarium projects===
1) [https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.12564.2 BeerDeCoded] 
2) [https://doi.org/10.1002/2688-8319.12094 Participatory research to examine lake water quality (MCBP)]
3) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8730511/ Corona Detective]
4) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8802757/ Review on Isothermal Amplification] (method used for Corona Detective and more!)
===Special prize-winning article===
*2021 written with JOGL colleagues and [https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3001349 appeared in PLOS Biology]: Empowering grassroots innovation to accelerate biomedical research
== Photos ==
== Photos ==
[[File:2014-09-03_livetype1_CC-BY-SA_shalf.jpg|200px|thumb|alt text]] [[File:EmpreintespetriIMG_9692_CC-BY-SA_funambuline.jpg|200px|thumb|alt text]] [[File:Soireedrones_copyright_felix_imhof_hackuarium-4691.jpg|200px|thumb|alt text]] [[File:DesigndaysIMG_1584_CC-BY-SA_funambuline.JPG|200px|thumb|alt text]]
File:Hackuarium logo15.png|Our high-resolution logo
File:2014-09-03 livetype1 CC-BY-SA shalf.jpg|Live type
File:EmpreintespetriIMG 9692 CC-BY-SA funambuline.jpg|La team au travail
File:Soireedrones copyright felix imhof hackuarium-4691.jpg|Soirée drones
File:DesigndaysIMG 1584 CC-BY-SA funambuline.JPG|Design days
File:Hackuarium lab.png|Our numerous instruments
File:Serious Business.jpg|Beer science is serious science
File:Usual Wednesday.jpg|Un mercredi habituel
File:FirstflowerB 11sept.JPG|Notre premier projet de jardinage urbain
File:Normalx10 cometsplusexample.jpg|comet assays - avec cellules buccales
File:OH202.jpeg|OH202 avec l'association d'ingénieurs Suisse
File:Bear.png|un Tardigrade
File:Spectro.JPG|Notre Spectrophotometer
File:Bernard flyer copy.jpg|encore une #OH événement
File:Micronuclex.png|une cellule buccale avec micronoyau
File:Coronadetective.jpg|Corona Detective multiplex, inspiré par le Détective d'OGM.
File:Singlerxns.png|Corona Detective, réactions pour chaque cible du multiplex
File:RApeas6may2020.jpg|Notre projet de jardinage urbain a eu ses premiers résultats significatifs durant la pandémie.
File:Pea per plant data.png|résultats 2020 - 24 pois par plante vs 16 (en moyenne), assez pour une 4x essaie?
File:Infographic bes ese highlight.png|résultats durants la pandémie ont permits la publication de l'article...
File:SiteVNX2020.jpeg|site Vernex (VNX) d'étude MCBP - vu vers les Dents-de-Midi.
File:Kidsswimming@VNX.JPG|enfants nagent au site Vernex, Montreux, 2020.
File:BannermyceliaseqplusExtra.png|a montage for the latest mycelia/bee proposal
File:Making slides.jpg|durant l'atelier micronoyaux
File:Fomes fleur 1.JPG|pour #mycelia4bees - ''Fomes fomentarius'' sur scie de bois
==Communiqués de presse ==
la qualité de l'eau du lac (2024)
l'ancien sur [[Press release Feb2023|la biodiversité des mycelia (à sauver les abeilles ?) / mycelia/bee crowdfunding]]
==== Autres infos ====
le page wiki sur notre [[Utilité publique|status]] d'association d'utilité publique. 
le page de [[Projects|projets]]<br><br>
== Revue de presse ==
== Revue de presse ==
* (fr) Gasche, Delphine (2015-08-09) [http://web.archive.org/web/20150810113545/http://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/lausanne-region/biologistes-alternatifs-s-epanouissent-renens/story/11641289 "Des biologistes alternatifs s’épanouissent à Renens"], 24heures.ch (Tamedia), archivé depuis [http://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/lausanne-region/biologistes-alternatifs-s-epanouissent-renens/story/11641289 l'original] le 10 août 2015.
* (fr) Henry, Luc (2015-08-10) [http://web.archive.org/web/20150816075008/http://www.bulletin-amcsti.fr/contre-culture-scientifique/ "Contre-culture scientifique"], Bulletin de l'AMCSTI #42 (culture scientifique, technique et industrielle), archivé depuis [http://www.bulletin-amcsti.fr/contre-culture-scientifique/ l'original] le 16 août 2015.
=== 2023 ===
* 11 October nous faisons parties d'un [https://www.rts.ch/audio-podcast/2023/audio/hackers-3-5-double-face-26174623.html podcast de RTS sur les Hackers].  Hackers 3/5 - Double face. [https://wiki.hackuarium.ch/images/9/91/2023_09_au_13.10_VAC.pdf plus d'info]
* 21 February  [https://www.24heures.ch/des-champignons-pour-sauver-les-abeilles-795372306068 un article dans 24 Heures] sur le [[Fun with fungi|projet mycelia]]/abeilles - ''Des champignons pour sauver les abeilles''? (FR)
=== 2022 ===
* 2 December  An [https://www.liberation.fr/culture/musique/instruments-vivants-levure-en-mesure-20221202_IU4VQ4UIRBDPXNG5R6JVTSUFZQ/ article] ''Musique expérimentale: Micro-organismes, levures… Les instruments vivants montent le son'', half of it especially around the story of the project, Living Instruments, came out in the journal Liberation. (FR)
* 21 Sept  again from 20Min, [https://www.20min.ch/fr/story/pas-de-pic-de-pollution-cette-annee-pendant-le-montreux-jazz-969479307519 result summary article] bioindicator levels actually lower during Jazz (with no rain from 6-18July this year) ...
* 29 June  again from 20Min, from their blog, a video! et voilà encore de Montreux! [https://www.20min.ch/fr/video/la-gestion-des-eaux-usees-ne-depend-pas-du-montreux-jazz-554987933324 Vernex site with swimmer].  Still very glad the Jazz was not put off by the first article, and happy they present it as their idea. LOL
* 27 April  'click-bait title' front page headline story on [https://www.20min.ch/fr/story/pics-de-pollution-du-lac-pendant-le-montreux-jazz-111145484690 Montreux water quality in 20Min]. Lost the whole DIT research idea, sadly, even though started from an article proposed by Maurice.  But, it made a splash... & finally resulted in some response from the municipal group. The collaboration with the Jazz for monitoring this summer is happening, with the more 'green' [https://www.rothbioscience.com/collections/r-card-ecc/products/r-card-ecc-500 R-Cards] for ''E. coli'' and coliform counts to be used instead of the old fashioned petri dishes (see image in gallery above).  The sampling campaign will go for 8 weeks of the summer from about 15June to 5 August(FR)
* 27 May An [https://www.europapress.es/euskadi/noticia-bbk-openscience-fest-acogera-veintena-sesiones-actividades-ciencia-abierta-comunitaria-13-junio-20210527143856.html article] about the BBK science festival, including our 'Corona Detective' workshop, run in 4 spaces in 3 countries... (ES)
* August  A biohacking story on Naratek.com  -  [https://www.naratek.com/en/creative-perspective/2021/biohackers-self-optimizers-or-a-benefit-to-society.php English version] [https://www.naratek.com/de/creative-perspective/2021/biohacker-selbstoptimierer-oder-gewinn-fuer-die-gesellschaft.php German version]
Two Peer-reviewed articles, a review, and a prize winning essay, were also published in 2021.<br>
*[https://doi.org/10.1002/2688-8319.12094 Participatory research to examine lake water quality (MCBP)] <br>
*[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8730511/ Corona Detective] <br>
*[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8802757/ Review] on Isothermal Amplification (method used for Corona Detective and more! <br>
Special prize-winning article written with JOGL colleagues [https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3001349 appeared in PLOS Biology]: Empowering grassroots innovation to accelerate biomedical research
* October A [https://appliedecologistsblog.com/2021/10/19/research-stories-the-power-of-participatory-research/ blog post] about the water quality monitoring study was published by the British Ecological Society.
* March - report on Hackuarium and colleagues' #corona detective project and others as [https://www.heidi.news/sante/les-biohackers-se-mobilisent-contre-le-coronavirus part of the opencovid-19 initiative] with Thomas Landrain's JOGL (en [http://wiki.hackuarium.ch/images/d/d6/Heidi_article2020_Les_biohackers_se_mobilisent_contre_le_coronavirus_-_Heidi.news.pdf pdf]).
* April  [https://www.humanite.fr/en-debat/covid-19/covid-19-la-mobilisation-des-fab-labs-est-sans-precedent-688030] L'Humanité 'LE DÉBAT Covid-19 : la mobilisation des fab-labs est sans précédent.' (FR)
* April  [https://usbeketrica.com/article/covid-19-la-mobilisation-des-makers-est-sans-precedent-l-etat-et-les-pouvoirs-publics-doivent-s-en-rendre-compte makers against covid-19]
* May Makery [https://www.makery.info/en/2020/05/11/initiative-opencovid19-le-test-de-diagnostic-sous-la-loupe-de-la-recherche-ouverte-et-collaborative OpenCovid19 article] 'OpenCovid19 Initiative: diagnostic testing through open and collaborative research' by Elsa Ferreira for Makery article.
* May  radio [https://www.rts.ch/play/tv/forum/video/le-grand-debat-2020-annee-de-la-science-citoyenne?id=11351008 RTS sûr la science citoyenne] avec Bruno Strasser et autres
* June  Medium [https://medium.com/@FIBER/post-anthropocentric-futures-in-conversation-with-vanessa-lorenzo-8d8b26e7be7f Interview with Vanessa] 'Post-Anthropocentric Futures: In Conversation with Vanessa Lorenzo' by Rhian Morris for the FIBER festival.
* December Tribune de Genève [https://www.tdg.ch/ladn-des-aliments-utilise-comme-code-barres-423523221024 OpenFoodRepoADN] (FR)
* May 8 [https://www.techexplorist.com/open-food-repo-dna-enabling-consumers-analyze-foods-dna/22967/ An article] about the workshop for the project OpenFoodRepo DNA (EN)
* May 8 [https://actu.epfl.ch/news/enabling-consumers-to-analyze-their-food-s-dna/ Another article] about the project OpenFoodRepo DNA (EN)
* June 12 Pendaison de crémaillère à Hackuarium.  [[http://wiki.hackuarium.ch/w/File:Ecublens_annonce12juin2019.JPG Annonce]] dans 'Ecublens Infos' free paper. (FR)
* June 19 [https://pixel.facebook.com/watch/?v=2253364361580684 Micronucleus workshop reporting in Kapaw] on social media... (DE)
* June 25 An [https://www.derstandard.at/story/2000104340409/crispr-sets-fuer-zuhausewie-biohacker-ihre-dna-veraendern-wollen article mainly about the hype] of transhumanists and biz biohackers, with Hackuarium's DIYbio context mainly mentioned as a contrast. (DE)
* August 24 [https://lausannejardins.ch/fr/jardins/91/futur-age-de-pierre/ Future age de pierre]. Exhibition pour Lausanne Jardins 2019. (FR)
* August 28  A [https://thelifeofscience.com/2019/08/28/the-case-for-open-science/ multimedia 'article'] featuring Luc and Rachel. The case for Open Science. by A. Dogra. (EN)
* October [https://www.ecublens.ch/cadre-de-vie/manifestations/5936-fetes/45546-hackuarium-fete-ses-5-ans 5 year celebration in Ecublens announcement] and [https://actu.epfl.ch/news/il-est-temps-de-celebrer-les-5-ans-de-biohacking-a/ EPFL announcement].
* October  More on [https://www.bilan.ch/femmes-leaders/oceane-patiny-accumule-les-prix-avec-son-robot Océane and her prizes] (but wrong city for us!) (FR)
=== 2018 ===
* Feb 20 [https://vip.abril.com.br/comida-bebida/voce-pagaria-para-descobrir-o-dna-da-sua-cerveja-favorita/ Você pagaria para descobrir o DNA da sua cerveja favorita?] (ES)
* April 13 [http://www.latele.ch/play?i=les-curieux-un-laboratoire-collectif-de-biotechnologie-13-04-2018-1928 Un laboratoire collectif de biotechnologie - Les Curieux La Tele (FR)]
* April 25 [https://www.pme.ch/entreprises/2018/04/25/pepites-attendent-labos PME Magzine] Un spectrophotomètre simple, portable et 100% open source (FR)
* June 5 [https://www.ulyces.co/camille-hamet/quest-ce-que-le-biohacking/ Ulyces] (FR)
* July 30  [https://hackuarium.github.io/simple-spectro/ Open-source spectrophotometer on Radio Suisse Romande] (FR)
* August 8 [https://www.merckgroup.com/fr-fr/stories/disrupting-research-luc-henry-and-hackuarium.html Disrupting Research] Luc Henry and Hackuarium (FR)
* Sept 30 [https://www.radiobus.fm/episode/festival-lemanmake-renens-interview-hackuarium Interview of Rachel Aronoff in the LemanMake RadioBus] (FR)
* Oct 1 [https://www.letemps.ch/sciences/hackerspaces-romands-paient-cher-independance Les «hackerspaces» romands paient cher leur indépendance] Le Temps (FR)
* Oct 14 [https://labiotech.eu/bioart/living-instruments-music-yeast-moss/ Living Instruments] article, labiotech.eu
=== 2017 ===
* April 13 [https://www.itmagazine.ch/Artikel/64494/Die_12_besten_Co-Working_Spaces_der_Schweiz.html Die 12 besten Co-Working Spaces der Schweiz] (DE)
* May 13 [https://www.rts.ch/play/radio/prise-de-terre/audio/une-goutte-deau-pour-un-ocean-dinformations?id=8580146 Une goutte dʹeau pour un océan dʹinformations - RTS]  'Prise de Terre' radio, (FR)
* May 17 [https://www.rts.ch/play/tv/couleurs-locales/video/couleurs-locales?id=8630270 Water Drop DNA project - RTS] 'Couleurs Locales' @4-6min, tele, (FR)
* May 24 [https://www.rts.ch/play/radio/intercites/audio/intercites-le-phenomene-des-tiers-lieux-prend-de-lampleur?id=8627427&station=a9e7621504c6959e35c3ecbe7f6bed0446cdf8da Le phénomène des Tiers-lieux prend de l'ampleur - RTS Intercités], (FR).
* June 27 [https://www.grrif.ch/actualite/biohacking-la-biologie-pour-tous/ 'Biohacking': la biologie pour tous! - GRRIF podcast], (FR).
* July 21 [https://reporterre.net/La-science-n-est-pas-reservee-aux-scientifiques La science n’est pas réservée aux scientifiques] (FR)
* Aug 2 [https://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/lausanne-region/startup-decode-genes-assiettes/story/16816724 Une start-up décode les gènes dans nos assiettes] (FR)
* Aug 25 [https://www.bostonglobe.com/ideas/2017/08/25/yourself-dna-right-ahead/zHy8Tw3MPSDzFRAOow3ZLM/story.html Do-it-yourself DNA? Go right ahead] (EN)
* Oct 7 [https://www.24heures.ch/savoirs/sciences/biohacking-science/story/17451514 Le biohacking ou la science pour tous - 24heures], (FR).
* Sept 13 [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/whats-really-in-that-tuna-roll-dna-sequencing-180964850/ What’s Really in That Tuna Roll? DNA Testing Can Help You Find Out] (EN)
* Nov 7 [https://memento.epfl.ch/event/open-sourcing-dna-damage-detection-for-citizen-s-2/] EPFL announcement for workshop: Open sourcing DNA damage detection for citizen science. (EN)
* Nov 20 [https://www.heise.de/make/meldung/Biohacking-Gemeinschaftslabore-suchen-Unterstuetzung-3894082.html Biohacking: Gemeinschaftslabore suchen Unterstützung] Make 'News' (DE)
* Dec 20 [http://www.internetactu.net/2017/12/21/de-limpossible-habitabilite-de-lanthropocene/ De l’impossible habitabilité de l’anthropocène] avec la 'camera obscura' de Vanessa (FR)
=== 2016 ===
* Jan 14. [https://e2e.ti.com/blogs_/b/thinkinnovate/archive/2016/01/14/roving-the-bottom-of-the-globe The Octanis rover project was featured in Texas Instruments E2E community blog]
* Jan 29. [http://m.srf.ch/wissen/mensch/biohacking-frischer-wind-fuer-die-verkrustete-wissenschaft Hackuarium on Swiss German radio] (DE), by Philipp Bürkler.
* Feb 11. [http://www.letemps.ch/economie/2016/02/11/laboratoire-futur-c-une-grande-caisse-lego Hackuarium est cité dans Le Temps] (FR), by Dejan Nikolic.
* Feb 12. [http://www.letemps.ch/images/video/2016-02-12/musique-biologique-orgue-levures-mousse-chante A videoblog in Le Temps] about the [[Living_Instruments | Living Instruments]] project (FR), by Aurélie Coulon.
* June 3. [http://www.bilan.ch/entreprises-plus-de-redaction/a-renens-une-friche-industrielle-renait Une friche industrielle renait], Bilan Magazine (FR)
* June 13. [https://medium.com/bio-science-magazine/luc-henry-co-founder-hackuarium-e6c8885af830 Luc Henry - Co-founder Hackuarium]  Medium (EN)
* Nov 17 [https://elpais.com/ccaa/2016/11/17/paisvasco/1479372585_199432.html Bilbao, escaparate de la creación tecnológica] (ES)
* Nov 24 [https://www.letemps.ch/sciences/renens-un-hackathon-repondre-aux-defis-scientifiques A Renens, un hackathon pour répondre aux défis scientifiques] Le Temps (FR)
=== 2015 ===
* Feb 19. [http://www.citizencyberscience.net/2015/02/science-x-kickstarter-16-projects-selected/ Citizen Cyberscience Blog].
* Feb 20. [http://www.labiere.ch/1000_beer_project/ Labiere.ch/1000_beer_project] (FR).
* Mar 12. [http://www.unige.ch/communication/lejournal/journal101/article2.html Le Journal de l'Unige] (FR).
* May 12. [https://pages.rts.ch/emissions/abe/6669086-biere-les-petites-brasseries-se-font-mousser.html le génome de la bière] rts (FR).
* May 27. [http://www.happybeertime.com/blog/2015/05/26/ladn-vos-bieres-bientot-decode/ Happybeertime.com] (FR).
* May 31. [https://biodiversityconnections.wordpress.com/2015/05/31/kittybiomes-koala-microbiomes-and-beer-genomes/ Biodiversity Connections].
* June 1st. [http://blogs.biomedcentral.com/gigablog/2015/05/26/community-microbiomes-chatting-scat-kittybiomes-holly-ganz/ BioMed Central GigaBlog], by Scott Edmunds.
* June 2nd. [http://guff.com/15-awesome-science-crowdfunding-campaigns-you-can-donate-to-now Guff.com], by Alan Denton.
* June 3rd. [http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2015/06/the-beer-genome-project.html Paste Magazine], by Graham Averill.
* June 4. [http://winegifted.com/beerdecoded-seeks-funds-to-bring-the-dna-of-beer-to-your-fingertips/ WineGifted.com], by Eliane the Observer.
* June 5. http://www.2girls1choppe.ch/le-projet-beer-decoded/ 2girls1choppe.com] (FR) by Eskylla.
* June 5. "It's the tree of beers" [https://www.genomeweb.com/scan/its-tree-beers genomeweb.com]
* June 6. [http://www.lupulento.com.br/2015/06/crowdfundings-cervejeiros-da-vez-3/ Lupulento.com] by Sérgio Soares Jr (ES).
* June 9. [http://munchies.vice.com/articles/this-app-uses-your-genes-to-tell-you-what-beer-to-drink munchies.VICE.com] by Molly Hannon.
* June 9. [http://bioinfo-fr.net/la-biere-decodee-dans-un-hackuarium bioinfo-fr.net] La Biére décodée dans un Hackuarium. by Jonathan Sobel.
* June 10. [http://biologie.unige.ch/en/2015/06/beerdecoded-the-1000-beer-genomes/ biologie.unige.ch]
* June 10. ABC News [https://gma.yahoo.com/app-aims-pick-perfect-beer-dna-analysis-210854573--abc-news-Recipes.html Good Morning America] by Stefanie Tuder.
* June 10. [http://hypefreshmag.com/beerdecoded-app-will-use-your-genes-to-help-you-select-what-beer-to-drink/ Hyper Fresh Magazine] by Erin Simon.
* June 10. [http://www.foodandwine.com/fwx/drink/would-you-pay-find-out-dna-your-favorite-beer FWx - Food And Wine] by Mike Pomranz.
* June 11. ABC News - [http://abcnewsradioonline.com/health-news/new-app-aims-to-pick-your-perfect-beer-through-dna-analysis.html ABC Radio] by Jeanette Torres.
* June 11. [http://trespintas.com.ar/noticias/suenan-con-secuenciar-el-adn-cervecero/ Trespintas.com] (ES).
* June 12. Beerisyourfriend.com [http://beerisyourfriend.org/2015/06/12/the-six-pack-june-12-2015-2/ The 6 pack].
* June 12. [http://www.ilbirrafondaio.com/beerdecoded-un-gruppo-di-scienziati-alla-ricerca-del-dna-della-birra/ Il birrafondaio.com] (ITA)
* June 12. [http://www.eater.com/2015/6/12/8774515/corkscrew-app-helps-you-pick-wine-beerdecoder-aims-to-discover-beer Eater.com] by Chris Furmeister
* June 13. FOX News Radio - [http://newstalkkit.com/pick-a-great-beer-theres-an-app-for-that-coming-soon-daves-diary NewsTalkKIT] by Dave Ettl.
* June 15. [http://www.foodrepublic.com/2015/06/15/a-kickstarter-campaign-wants-to-map-beer-dna/ Foodrepublic.com] by Tiffany Do.
* June 16. [http://www.tdg.ch/geneve/actu-genevoise/decoder-adn-dune-centaine-bieres/story/11399783 La Tribune de Genève] (FR) by Ana Dias.
* June 17. [http://www.totallybeer.com.br/conteudo/740/10/5/Not%C3%ADcias-Not%C3%ADcias-BeerDeCoded#.VYJbU1yqqko Totallybeer.com.br] (BR)
* June 18. [http://www.scilogs.de/bierologie/beersdecoded-welches-bier-ist-mit-welchem-verwandt/ Scilogs.de/bierologie] (DE) by Bastian Greshake.
* June 18. [https://de.nachrichten.yahoo.com//app-soll-biergeschmack-erkennen-095312164.html Yahoo News]. App sol Biergeschmack erkennen. (DE)
* June 22. [http://laplumeria.blogspot.ch/2015/06/birra-decodificata.html La Plumeria] (ITA)
* June 23. [http://republic-of-innovation.ch/des-chercheurs-romands-vont-decoder-ladn-de-la-biere/ Republic of Innovation] (FR), by Benoit Dubuis.
* June 24. [http://www.latele.ch/play?i=54384 La Téle] (FR) video
* uniscope 601 [https://www.unil.ch/unicom/files/live/sites/unicom/files/shared/uniscope/2014-2015/601.pdf interview with Michel Masternak] (3rd cofounder of Hackuarium) by C. Khattar. (FR)
* June 26. [http://www.laborjournal.de/editorials/950.lasso Labor Journal] (DE), by Hans Zauner
* June 26. Festival Vivant, Journée : « Biologie de synthèse/biologie de garage », Paris -- [https://2100.org/tv/3107/festival-vivant/#fvp_innovivant0615_06,37s "Biologie de garage : innover sur (avec) le vivant ?"] by [[User:Shalf|Yann Heurtaux]]
* June 28. [http://www.birrifactoresdeextremadura.es/entrevistas/Gianpaolo/gianpaoloingles.html Birrifactores de Extremadura], by David Santos Sanguino.
* June 30. [http://www.express.be/business/fr/technology/beerdecoded-lapplication-qui-vous-aide-a-choisir-votre-biere-favorite-grace-lanalyse-de-son-adn/214331.htm Express.be] (FR), by Arnaud Lefebvre.
* July 1st. [http://sciencepost.fr/2015/07/ladn-bieres-sera-bientot-decode/ Sciencepost.fr] (FR), by Maxime Feutry.
* July 7. [http://www.metronews.fr/info/l-adn-des-bieres-bientot-decrypte-pour-faire-le-meilleur-choix-au-bar/mogg!S9OYBPjPwLEA/ Metronews.fr] (FR), by Justine Knapp.
* July 15. [http://www.laborwelt.de/menschen/blogs/blogs-2015/beersdecoded-welches-bier-ist-mit-welchem-verwandt.html Labor Welt - Bierologie] (DE), by Bastian Greshake.
* July 16. [http://www.a-magazine.co.uk/this-app-uses-your-genes-to-tell-you-what-beer-to-drink-whatever-next/ A-Magazine] (UK).
* August 9. [http://web.archive.org/web/20150810113545/http://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/lausanne-region/biologistes-alternatifs-s-epanouissent-renens/story/11641289 "Des biologistes alternatifs s’épanouissent à Renens"], by Delphine Gasche, 24heures.ch (FR), archivé depuis [http://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/lausanne-region/biologistes-alternatifs-s-epanouissent-renens/story/11641289 l'original] le 10 août 2015.
* August 10. [http://web.archive.org/web/20150816075008/http://www.bulletin-amcsti.fr/contre-culture-scientifique/ "Contre-culture scientifique"] (FR), by Luc Henry, Bulletin de l'AMCSTI #42 (culture scientifique, technique et industrielle), archivé depuis [http://www.bulletin-amcsti.fr/contre-culture-scientifique/ l'original] le 16 août 2015.
* September 18. [http://draftmag.com/digitized-flavor-beer-apps/ Draft Magazine] by Stan Hieronymus
* September 30. RougeFM (Radio) 60sec Chrono Rouge (FR) with Viktor.
* October 29. [http://duecuorieunaforchetta.com/2015/10/29/dalla-svizzera-il-dna-di-mille-birre/ Due Cuori e una Forchetta] (IT), by Valeria Saracco.
* November 3. [http://bit.ly/1H2N0Cc RTS1 Le Journal du matin] (FR) by Pierre-Etienne Joye.
* November 18. [http://www.maxim.com/entertainment/food-drink/article/beer-decoded-2015-11 Maxim.com] by Scott Tharler.
* November 19. [http://www.viralthread.com/this-app-will-tell-you-which-beer-is-genetically-perfect-for-you/ Viral Thread], by Joe Terzeon.
* November 21. [http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/news/story/DNA-von-Bieren-soll-die-Wahl-erleichtern-30529462 20 Minuten] (DE), by Rahel Landolt.
* November 23. [http://www.bigfm.de/topic/9045/app-bier-bestellen BigFM] (DE) by Staff.
* November 25. [http://republic-of-innovation.ch/startinnov-prime-un-syteme-de-purification-des-proteines-low-cost/ Startinov APPS] (FR), by Benois Dubuis
* November 30. [http://www.invivomagazine.com/fr/mens_sana/en_images/article/225/la-science-hors-des-sentiers-battus IN VIVO journal], p44-48 (FR), by Erik Freudenreich
* Decembre 8. [http://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/renens-veut-developper-petite-industrie-innovante/story/27610551 24 Heures] (FR), by Jérôme Ducret
=== 2014 ===
* May 9. [http://www.bilan.ch/techno-les-plus-de-la-redaction/la-biologie-do-it-yourself-sinstalle-en-suisse La biologie «Do It Yourself» s’installe en Suisse] Bilan Magazine
* Oct 3. PROTO204, Paris Saclay -- [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ot4j9Ny3e7oJT1QQr1WfcrR3a3ElwIH7TMrqXeB6u3A/edit?usp=sharing "Demystify, Inspire, Innovate using DIY biology"] by [[User:Shalf|Yann Heurtaux]]
* Nov 10. [https://waag.org/en/article/hackuariums-biohacker-wonderland Biohacker Wonderland] from the Waag Society. (EN)
* Nov 4. Rencontre annuelle Municipalité Entreprises Renens, ECAL -- [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15vXRCfYW_STawsZLv6M8Ib_KuWEJPLEV4pHJrD5S1Dc/edit?usp=sharing "Hackuarium ?"] by [[User:Luchenry|L. Henry]] & [[User:Shalf|Y. Heurtaux]]
* Nov 1. [https://www.lausannebondyblog.ch/hackuarium/ bondyblog] Hackuarium : là où se rencontrent science et société, de Mathilde.
[[Category:Work In Progress]]
[[Category:Work In Progress]]

Revision as of 13:19, 14 May 2024

Welcome to our Press kit.


Please get in touch with a Board member, using the following email. You can also check who are the current Board Members. Always happy to set up special meeting dates, esp if the Wednesday #OH might not work for you.

Veuillez prendre contact avec un membre du comité, en utilisant l'adresse électronique dessus. Vous pouvez également vérifier avec l'autre lien dessus, qui sont les membres actuels du comité. Tout le monde sera heureux de fixer des dates de réunions particuliers, surtout si le soirée #OH ne marchera pas.

A propos

A propos d'Hackuarium

See also the Reading List on our old Main Page.

Over the years, various on-line events have been recorded: a non-exhaustive list of links is provided.

Here is our most recent newsletter and here is the archive of our previous newsletters! / Voici notre dernière newsletter et les anciennes archivées!

To note: we try to make most things bilingual, and are always glad for more help...

à noter: nous essayons de rendre la plupart des choses bilingues, et nous sommes toujours heureux d'avoir de l'aide...

Peer-reviewed articles and more

Peer-Reviewed Articles from Hackuarium projects

1) BeerDeCoded

2) Participatory research to examine lake water quality (MCBP)

3) Corona Detective

4) Review on Isothermal Amplification (method used for Corona Detective and more!)

Special prize-winning article

  • 2021 written with JOGL colleagues and appeared in PLOS Biology: Empowering grassroots innovation to accelerate biomedical research


Communiqués de presse

la qualité de l'eau du lac (2024)

l'ancien sur la biodiversité des mycelia (à sauver les abeilles ?) / mycelia/bee crowdfunding

Autres infos

le page wiki sur notre status d'association d'utilité publique.

le page de projets

Revue de presse



  • 2 December An article Musique expérimentale: Micro-organismes, levures… Les instruments vivants montent le son, half of it especially around the story of the project, Living Instruments, came out in the journal Liberation. (FR)
  • 21 Sept again from 20Min, result summary article bioindicator levels actually lower during Jazz (with no rain from 6-18July this year) ...
  • 29 June again from 20Min, from their blog, a video! et voilà encore de Montreux! Vernex site with swimmer. Still very glad the Jazz was not put off by the first article, and happy they present it as their idea. LOL
  • 27 April 'click-bait title' front page headline story on Montreux water quality in 20Min. Lost the whole DIT research idea, sadly, even though started from an article proposed by Maurice. But, it made a splash... & finally resulted in some response from the municipal group. The collaboration with the Jazz for monitoring this summer is happening, with the more 'green' R-Cards for E. coli and coliform counts to be used instead of the old fashioned petri dishes (see image in gallery above). The sampling campaign will go for 8 weeks of the summer from about 15June to 5 August(FR)


  • 27 May An article about the BBK science festival, including our 'Corona Detective' workshop, run in 4 spaces in 3 countries... (ES)
  • August A biohacking story on Naratek.com - English version German version

Two Peer-reviewed articles, a review, and a prize winning essay, were also published in 2021.

Special prize-winning article written with JOGL colleagues appeared in PLOS Biology: Empowering grassroots innovation to accelerate biomedical research

  • October A blog post about the water quality monitoring study was published by the British Ecological Society.



  • May 8 An article about the workshop for the project OpenFoodRepo DNA (EN)