MCBP Campaign 2022

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The Montreux Clean Beach Project began in 2016, with friends from Hammerdirt and BIO-DESIGN for the REAL WORLD.

Here is the link to the old project page, which leads to a great deal of information, and ultimately to our peer reviewed article and open data archive on this work...

The sampling work continued in the summer of 2022, using a new card format for the microbiological testing.

With a wonderful participatory research team, we plated 6 replicates (each obtained in their own tubes) from each of the usual three sites around the bay over an 8-week period.

We learned a great deal, also sampling from the off-shore platform, LéXPLORE, and, with the first hints of fall already in the air, after a crazy summer of record heat, we are pulling together the open data, and hoping to get the official beach sampling data to compare to our findings. Attempts at communication with the Montreux 'powers that be' and the other cantonale authorities and groups and people involved in water quality surveillance, will also be discussed at a future date.

For now, here is the preliminary first overview of the average bioindicator and coliform levels found, week by week.