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The Montreux Clean Beach Project Microbio team has been looking forward to replicating last summer's water sampling (for DIT research!) and is beginning again at Hackuarium:

(If someone would like to help for translations to French or other languages, please do feel free!)


Many EasyGel plate results have already been obtained, from last year, and this year we will have fluor confirmation for our E. coli colonies!
A new sort of card from Micrology labs is also being tested!

First Preliminary Controls at Hackuarium

The Venoge River was sampled on 5June for a single plate and card test

Key Timing Criteria

We want to make sure to get good images of the colony forming units (CFUs) at 24h, when the fluorescence is not too dispersed, and at 48h, when the chromogenic media results are at their peak.
Watch this space for more soon!


The first images are of the first EasyGel plate, bright field and UV fluor ...

and here will be the link to the data form for future sampling, which begins in earnest on 12 June 2017!
Come join us!

Extra Section


Further information