20171206 Board Meeting

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Agenda of the Board Meeting

Date: Wednesday, December 6th, 20.00-22.00pm
Place: UniverCité, 2rd floor meeting room (co-working space)

Everyone is again invited to this Board Meeting, as these are such exciting times!


  • Vanessa et Rachel



  • Gustavo


Hello Board

(Rachel, 1 min)

Point 0: Public minutes

(Luc, 5 min)

Get ok from all board members to upload minutes on wiki (or else discuss alternative below)

  • XXX

General comment from the Secretary as at the last meeting:

  • Please only plan to discuss topics that need discussion.
  • Information points can be read by members of the committee (in which case, just write "for information" with no dedicated time)
  • Decision should be explicitly named "vote" with a clear Yes/No question
  • Discussion should be explicitly named with a clear open question

Who can keep the time?

  • XXX

Point 1: Crowdfunding

Final Outcomes

(Rachel, 5 min)

54 donors
24,040chf collected
mais 'Nous transférerons le montant moins 10% (6% de frais de service et 4% de frais de transaction) sur votre compte dans les 30 jours.'
Donc... on va avoir 22k

The big donor, Ethan Aronoff, said his 6k donation should specifically allow 2k for the P1 lab, 1k for genomic integrity projects, and 3k to all!

Perk Planning

(Anne-Laure, 10min)

Workshop Planning

(Rachel, Vanessa, 5min)

All workshops announced in the crowdfunding campaign need to be scheduled.

Who can take care of setting dates with doodle and coordinating with workshop leads?

Can we get more people to sign up for these dates, after they are set?

Can we get people to commit to provide support for them (not only coordination of sign-ups, but help to run the workshops)?

Notes to donors

(Luc, 5min)

This is the most important part, because we don't want to spam donors with lots of back and forth.
We need to make sure to:
1) thank everyone profusely
2) follow their wishes for the donations (esp fave project sponsors etc)
3) determine choices for T-shirts (color/size)
4) get full addresses sorted for shipping of various things (totes, T-shirts, chocolates)
5) get workshops scheduled (as above)
6) other?

Point 2: last event summaries

#OH 178 Alienated Landscapes

(Vanessa, 2min)

SWILABS and other public lab collaborations

(Rachel, Vanessa, 5min) Meeting in Lugano for the Swiss Public Lab network, attended by Rachel and Vanessa
New association to be formed, incuding Hackteria colleagues and Eprouvette gals.

Activities for future big meeting in Geneva, ECSITE, next summer.
Who is interested? Further, below, in activities for 2018...

Collaborations with Bioscope?
Thomas Maillart wrote to say:

With Anne-Pia, Tina and Candice Yvon (Bioscope), we wish to see how we could collaborate together also with Bioscope. I had a short discussion with Luc, and we discussed some concrete steps for booting a collaboration, including having events organized first at Hackarium and then replicated at SDG Solution Space in Geneva.

Everyone ok with idea that Vanessa will meet with him in Geneva about this?

Atelier Renens meeting

(Vanessa, 5min)
Meeting held last Monday, 27Nov, with Benoît Dubois, Jean-François Clement (Syndic de Renens), & cantonal representative in Maker space...
V gathering info from users and groups.
Next meeting set for 15Jan2018, 19h.
Laurent VINCENS <laurent@univercite.ch>"abonnements payés membres utilisateurs de Makerspace en 2017 ou 2018" Should we get Makerspace abonnement(s) for Hackuarium as part of crowdfunding fees??

Fondue Party

(Yann H, 5 minutes)

Point 3: Lab/P1 progress

Olivier Emery is our Deputy Biosecurity Officer.
8 people are trained so far.
Still need signed waivers from at least 2...
Now have sink hooked up, but still await ventilation of the hood.

Also have DIY transilluminator now! (thanks to Urs, who brought kit and helped RA solder it together!)
Need more order in general, and for people to tidy up after selves!
Will have at least one 'pro' user soon (start-up Nuprocol).

old equipment?

There is still quite a lot of stuff in the basement, and some could be worth much (i.e. ultracentrifuge).
Do we have any official 'ownership' for all this? Any hopes of more organised storage?

What if someone is interested in purchasing the ultra? 


(Dan, 5min)

1st gel ok
Golden Gate second attempt to come soon!
Silk cocoon experiment also begun..
Documentation is needed still !

strain storage

test in progress
milk less good in last streaks...
can use DMF, perhaps, or get


chemical that some people can taste, and other's don't!
first 'taste tests' done 31Aug16 with many... and a few more added...
now RA is testing the genotyping by PCR (primers and protocol from Delphine of Eprouvette)...

Intro to Biosafety Training

Are you thinking you might have need of P1 work?
Please see the current P1 page, follow the recommendations under 'Timeline for Project Initiation' and let RA know well in advance.
The next training will be held 8dec17.

Point 4: Plans for 2018

Project Mini-Grant Support

Also post Crowdfunding, will have usual request method for microgrants.
wish lists?
MCBP submission fees?
camera for trinocular scope

Date of the GA

(Luc, 1 min)

LH: The date of the GA was decided during the board meeting on 04.10, together with the next board meeting.


(Rachel, 2 min)

The european conference for citizen and participative science (#ECSA2018) will be taking place on 3 to 5 June 2018 in Geneva. It is organised by the European Citizen Science Association, in collaboration with the University of Geneva, Sciences et Cité, etc. We have great contact with these people, so we could get involved one way or another.

There is a call for participation open here. The deadline is January 10th 2018, so we need to get started before Christmas if we want to submit anything of good quality.

Also, Rachel stated on Slack that "members might be able to come take part for free as 'animation' (van der graaf generator, cheek cells and moss, other) - as Bruno asked previously..."

LH: can we get much more detailed information about this, so we can advertise the deal and motivate people to contribute? For example: when did Bruno suggest it? Is he the person of contact to make suggestion?


(X, 1 min)

LH: Who added this? RA: Probably V? part of above topic
but with Natural Science Museum via Bruno Strasser, exposition of projects possible!!
Who is keen? Octanis? BeeMoS? BeerDeCoded?

Other Future Events

(Rachel and all, 10 min)

Propositions for

  • Event around Lyme's disease and phage-therapy - first organisational meeting (also with BD) will be held on 13dec 16:30.
  • Wikipedia hackathon (to coord with Octanis) - not on any specific topic, for anything of interest, to contribute to wikipedia...
  • Hackuarium wiki hackathon - for documentationüü
  • Regular cleanups of lab space
  • Presentations outside, incl. at ECSA meeting in Geneva (call for proposals is open here)
  • Discussion on Science Communication (simplification vs lying vs ...)

Point 5: Fraunhofer Collaboration

(Luc, 10 minutes)

LH: I am perfectly happy being open about it, but please note that this is an ongoing discussion and the information I share are not meant to be distributed actively to anyone.

Short update

Depuis un premier contact par email le 13/12/2016, Luc discute avec des chercheurs du Fraunhofer EMFT (Allemagne) pour explorer la possibilité de faire un projet à l'échelle Européenne qui serait une collaboration entre des universités, des industries et des tiers lieux (hackerspaces, fablabs, etc). Luc était à Vienne (Autriche) le 9 novembre pour discuter des derniers développement. From their email, RA thought it sounded like they want partners interested in soils, and that the circular chromatography might be just perfect for their project.

Next Steps

Anyone interested in jumping in? -> concrete actions required -> commitment

Required informations for the future:

- Professional background
- What is your motivation /interest to join a project?
- What are your expectations on a project?
- Are there any "k.o. criteria" that would discourage you to join the project?
- In which fields and in which way could /would you like to contribute?

Point 8: Exonération d'impôt - vérification des comptes

(Yann H, 5 min)

Pour information, la proposition de Yann au dernier board meeting (auquel il n'a malheureusement pas pu participer) était la suivante:

  • declaration (Cf. Statuts Association Hackuarium art. 2, Goal ) : Yann H is asking for a mandate from the Board to take care of it (ask the administration formally, coordinate filing the files, getting it done) c.f. Luc as Interim Treasurer
    • consequences for ease of access to P1 stuff (c.f. Rachel), free stuff (e.g. free premium Slack for NGOs)
    • check crowdfunding specifics, cf. Bénévolat Vaud
  • asking as Vérificateur aux comptes (cf. Luc as Interim Treasurer, cf. Anne-Laure as same) for a mandate to contact an accountant to help us validate accounts this year (YH has a contact, et on doit demander encore deux autres - RA peut proposer une, qui à fait les verifications pour l'association DEL Basket et AGiR!)

Luc: Est-ce que Yann pourrait nous rappeler ce dont tu as besoin pour faire la vérification des comptes? Je peux boucler les comptes au 31 décembre et fournir toutes les pièces justificatives.