20171004 Board Meeting

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Agenda of the Board Meeting

Date: Wednesday, October 4, 19:00-20:00
Place: UniverCité, 2rd floor meeting room (or co-working/InArTiS space)



  • Rachel


Luc, Sam, Anne-Laure, Gustavo, Dan, Yann H, Rachel (& Olivier Emery, too, and even Océane and Heloise later)


Vanessa Lorenzo, Yann Pierson, Gianpaolo Rando

Agenda Items

@Hello Board

(Rachel, 1 min)

Public minutes

(Rachel, 1 min)

Get ok from all board members to upload minutes on wiki (or else discuss alternative below).


-> No objections

Next Meetings

(Luc, 5 min)

Board meetings will take place at 19:00 on the following dates: 1Nov. 6 Dec. ->YES!

Vanessa: No more like this please, Doodle please! We all board members need to coordinate

We need dates for 4 board meetings next year.

-> Board meetings will take place at 19:00 on the following dates: 18 Jan. 8 Feb. 29 Mar

We need a date for the next General Assembly in the first months of next year.

-> General Assembly will be at 19:30 on March 7th

Financial Status

(Luc, 5 minutes)

Update and latest strategies to keep track of members and payments.

As Ana is too busy, this is also the official transfer of this role to Luc H, as decided during the last meeting.

-> Ok for Luc to take responsibility for it until next General Assembly in early 2018 (see below).

-> Anne-Laure et Yann H. seront les vérificateurs de comptes pour l'année 2017 et valideront dès réception du bilan annuel en janvier 2018 en préparation de l'AG du 7 mars 2018. Toutes les factures leur seront présentées.

-> Les vérificateurs pour 2018 devront être voté à l'AG.

Membership Status of people with entry cards

(Rachel, 5 minutes)

People from La Nebuleuse and the WaterDropDNA project (BangBang) want access, but are not paying membership fees.
Luc: I thought La Nébuleuse was paying 2 memberships to have access.
WaterDropDNA needs access for what exactly? We never see them on Wednesday night, do we?
Rachel: Fabiana requested a card, and we see her an Laure (who also is working in a co-working group) occasionally...
Nebuleuse has 3 cards (and maybe has still never paid).
Are there any other people that are in this situation?
Should we get them to pay?
This could be another test for Ana's billing method.

-> Luc sends an invoice to La Nébuleuse (Kouros et nicolas (at) lanebuleuse.ch) pour 3 cartes pour 12 mois Octobre 2017-Septembre 2018. Ask for the card number (put board in cc).
-> Luc checks whether BangBang girls paid for the membership. Give access if relevant.
-> Luc send list to Juliette after compiling names + card numbers.

Roles of Committee Members

(Rachel, 5 minutes)

  • Rachel is confirmed Biosecurity Officer, and the P1 is almost set.
  • Luc is again treasurer, on top of being secretary, as a temporary measure until next General Assembly (see above).
  • Other roles to be discussed?

-> Yann thinks about his role in the committee and let the board know.


(Gustavo, 5min)

General Update.
-> Nothing to be discussed.

Biohacker Space

(Rachel, 5 minutes)

  • Use plans and inventory?

-> Rachel asks Luc Patiny if he can present the inventory at a OH night before Christmas.

  • Big Fume hood will also be ventilated, when P1 lab one is done.

-> Done by architect with supervision from Rachel and Dan.

P1 laboratory

(Rachel, 5 minutes)

  • We need to have a good understanding and agree on exact experimental aims, the needed equipment and the GMOs that are planned, for the official notification of authorities on P1 experimentation.
  • Has Dan made his wiki pages for the 'grow almost anything' course needs/plans?
  • Does anyone else have plans for selection of bacteria or other cloning?
  • Rachel will be biosecurity officer, will give the first users safety course this Friday, and will also sign up for a refresher course, as recommended by Stéphane Karlen, the person responsible for biosecurity at the EPFL, who knew her back when she set up a P2 in Life Sciences...

-> After document is finalised, Rachel asks for external validation.
-> We need a French version of the SOP page after validation.

and from Vanessa:

  • Vanessa got contacted by Dr. Claudia Ruprecht working for the Canton of Zurich in the Biosecurity Sektion during the Kloental Biohacking Retreat [1]
  • She likes fermentation and she is curios to see our biohackespace.
  • Vanessa saw the opportunity to invite her as is good for us to be known first hand by them.
  • Claudia Ruprecht to come and visit us, as she insisted
  • NO DATE YET, Anniversary? Votation please

-> Too unclear, no vote (see below).

  • For those issues concerning the organization of this visit, I will centralize the comunication till she comes, so we don't give confusion, alright?

-> OK.

  • Then Rachel, as our biosecurity officer, will take the lead and you all can talk to her
  • We should update NOW the board with our situation regarding P1 activities: "After the great moving to the new space, we restart the process of getting the nicest P1 ever!
  • Regarding the Manuela Ocaña (Collaboratrice scientifique, PhD, Département fédéral de l'intérieur DFI, Office fédéral de la santé publique OFSP):"Les instituts, les entreprises et les organisations qui utilisent des organismes génétiquement modifiés, pathogènes ou exotiques en milieu confiné sont ainsi tenus de notifier leur activité (classes 1 et 2) ou de demander une autorisation (classes 3 et 4)." Nous allons pas depasser la classe 2, du coup nous avons besoin de faire une notification et pas demander une autorization (voir dessous comment on va la faire et comment Daniel et Rachel ils vont faire la description des activités"
  • When is this description gonna be finished? Set a date please --> then let me know.

-> Dan and Rachel take care of documentation and notification before before next board meeting (01.11.2017)!
-> Vanessa contact her again after validation by the board.

Crowdfunding Campaign

(Rachel, 15 minutes)

Complete update on the status:

  • Next meeting: 11th October
  • Need to be done before:

-> Global budget
-> Missing content
-> Communication plan
-> Video
-> Tasks left to do and who is responsible

  • 18 October - 18 November still valid

-> if we want to stick to the schedule, we needs to validate the campaign on the 12 and submit it on the 14 October.

3rd Anniversary of the Association

  • Luc: What's new about the Oct 28 anniversary event?

-> New date

  • Vanessa: We make the event of 'alienated landscapes' on the29th November, and Anniversary 1-2 December

-> Vanessa takes responsibility to plan and share with the board.

  • Validation from UniverCité for space? Where will it be?

-> Vanessa coordinates with Juliette if necessary

How many people can we invite?

From Vanessa:

  • 1 & 2 December
  • Fondue style + we invite friends biohackers and friends
  • Workshops half from da house, half from outside, mix the ideas and spread the word!
  • 2500CHF budget + transport costs
  • Votation: 6 against, 1 abstention

-> the board needs details for the budget and content, and suggests this large event to be planed 6 months in advance.

-> On the 2nd of Dec we'll have a fondue night as every year, with a budget similar to previous year.

  • Vote: 7 in favour, no one against

-> Yann H. plans the fondue -> email for caquelons, buys cheers and wine and co, keeps receipts, asks for reimbursement.

Discussion Alienated landscapes

(Vanessa, 5 min)

Vanessa took the lead for this exciting Wednesday OH night!

  • 29th November
  • Agree on budget 1,500 CHF for transport + apéro + host (if Zurich, Geneva, Luzern and Mary Maggic people come...)?
  • Do this in conjunction with anniversary?

-> We need a detailed budget -> Vanessa shares on Slack asap
-> we need a detailed program -> same, on Slack
-> Mechanism to validate the budget -> Slack up votes/down votes
-> Vote max via Slack 3 days after budget and program is available

Other Business

Workshops etc.

Octanis wants to do a raspberry pi and electronics workshops in spring 2018.
Do we have dates already?
? can these be in the context of crowdfunding campaign perks.

Update on Bio Summit

(Dan, 5 minutes)

Happened on Friday September 21 to Sunday September 25, 21 to 25 for out-of-towners.
For more information about this event, see their website.

-> Dan will share documents with everyone.

Update on HTGAA

(Dan, 5 minutes)

-> Dan and Thomas started a project page here.

Conference Series at Octanis@EPFL

(Luc, 2 minutes)

Confirmed so far:

  • 2017.10.03 (Tuesday): BeerDeCoded by Jonathan Sobel
  • 2017.11.07 (Tuesday): Citizen Science and DIT Research by Rachel Aronoff
  • 2017.12.05 (Tuesday): LivingInstruments by Luc Henry (+Vanessa?)

Reverse program where Octanis comes to Hackuarium to present their projects.

More Activities

Swiss Engineers Visit

A group of engineers will be visiting UC, on 26 October, and would like to see our space.

Here is their complete schedule:

  • 18:30 – 18:45 Inartis - présentation (3ème)

La Fondation Inartis est une fondation sans but lucratif dont la vocation est de promouvoir l’innovation, notamment dans les domaines technologiques et des sciences de la vie, et de favoriser les interactions entre innovateurs, entreprises et institutions de recherche.

  • 18:50 – 19:15 Darix – présentation / démo (3ème)

Darix fournit des solutions de réalité augmentée destinées aux professionnels. Nous permettons aux pompiers de mieux comprendre leur environnement, aux techniciens de faire face sur site à des situations compliquées, et utilisons la réalité augmentée pour simplifier et améliorer le travail de tous les professionnels.

  • 19:20 – 19:45 Maker Space Renens – visite atelier (2ème)

Made @ UC est un makerspace équipé de machines professionnelles dans un atelier de 460 m2 accessible à tous, sous l’oeil bienveillant mais néanmoins avisé de ninjas.

  • 19:20 – 19:45 Hackuarium - visite Hackuarium (2ème)

Les membres d’Hackuarium veulent amener la biologie dans la vie quotidienne et le monde réel dans la biologie. Notre laboratoire est une opporunité pour se rencontrer et discuter, partager et developer des idées dans unenvironnement neutre, ouvert non compétitif et non marchand.

  • 19:45 Brasserie La Nebuleuse : Apéro (1er)

Microbrasserie au coeur de la Romandie, La Nébuleuse met en bouteille un rêve issu d'un brassin d'amitié, de passion et d'expérimentation.

Who can commit to coming?

Luc will take the lead if ok with everyone, and Rachel already involved. Anyone else interested?

European Maker Week

The last week of October is a special European Maker Week.
Marc at Made@UC is planning a big open day on the Sunday 29 October, and invites us to join in the activities!

We can also expect a portable 'maker van' from someone cool from Etoy sometime soon...