The Genomic Integrity team has been looking into the best ways to get the cheek cell assays to be really DIYbio (or DIT research!) and has been testing open-source imaging methods at Hackuarium:
Many DIY microscopes exist already. This page from Hackteria describes a few...
The first Foldscope was developed at Stanford, by the group of Manu Prakash, and was published in PLOSOne.
First Tests
The first attempts to make Foldscopes relied on a vector graphic file found on the internet in Oliver Bosewell's blog.
We used the laser-cutter in the maker space (Made@UC) to cut the pattern, and simple glass beads for lenses.
Even though the beads were 'up-cycled' from microbiology experiments (even scratched), the results seemed promising enough that low magnification (140X) borosilicate glass lenses were ordered.
Steiner School Student visit
Hopes to use fluorescence modules for the cheek cell assays.
Further information
- Foldscope templates used to date, and further info, including our first images can be downloaded here.
- The project to assess your own cells for DNA damage at Hackuarium
- website - Action for Genomic Integrity through Research!
- Twitter account for AGiR! @AGIRgenomes