The Genomic Integrity team has been looking into the best ways to get the cheek cell assays to be really DIYbio (or DIT research!) and has been testing open-source imaging methods at Hackuarium:
Many DIY microscopes exist already. This page from Hackteria describes a few... The first Foldscope was developed at Stanford, by the group of Manu Prakash, and was published in PLOS PLOSOne.
First Tests
The first attempts to make Foldscopes relied on a vector graphic file found on the internet in Oliver Bosewell's blog. We used the laser-cutter in the maker space (Made@UC) to cut the pattern, and simple glass beads for lenses. Even though the beads were 'up-cycled' from microbiology experiments (even scratched), the results seemed promising enough that lenses were ordered.
Steiner School Student visit
Further information
- website - Action for Genomic Integrity through Research!
- [@AGIRgenomes Twitter @AGIRgenomes]