20210310 GeneralAssembly
L'ordre du Jour/ Agenda of the General Assembly
Date: Mercredi 10 Mars 2021, 19h30-21h30
Date: Wednesday 10 March 2021, 19.30-21.30
Lieu/Place: Route de Crochy 20, 1024 Ecublens
et virtuellement sur zoom
Pour rappel, les statuts de l'association Hackuarium sont disponibles ici.
As a reminder, the statutes of the Hackuarium association can be found here (in French only).
- Rachel
Excused (procurations)
Point 0: public minutes
(RA, 1 min)
Get ok from all members to upload minutes on wiki (or else discuss alternatives)
L'ordre du jour de l'Assemblée Générale
Bienvenue / Welcome address
(Rachel, 2 min)
Introduction, Summary of past activities
(membres, short project progress reports possible)
Présentation des comptes et décharge du comité 2020
(Michel et tous) Comptes Approuvé? Rapport des verificateurs(trices)
Élection du comité 2021
(tous. qui veut se presenter comme candidate?)
All board member positions are up for election.
Veuillez contacter l’un des membres actuels du comité si vous souhaitez être candidat. Vous êtes les bienvenus !!
Please contact any of the current board members, if you would like to be a candidate. You are very welcome !!
The roles of committee members are described in this wiki page.
Nouveaux Membres
on-boarding team signups?
Rappel du procédé pour demande une mini-bourse/ Reminder of the process to request a minigrant
The process used so far:
1 Project is developed, ideally with transdisciplinary team, and presented in #OH.
2. Wiki pages made and budget is determined. Up to 500chf can be requested for a minigrant.
3. Requester sends board an email, describing the need and justifying its budget (using the board@hackuarium.com email address).
3. If 3 members of the board support the request, it is a green light.
4. If there are concerns within 48 hours, or negative opinions, it gets discussed at the next board meeting (within a month).
Many projects are mainly run on personal funds for some time, but also can get funding specifically for a projet, and have it go via the Association.
(Living Instruments tours were arranged like this, another example was BeerDeCoded with its crowdfunding, and most recently CoronaDetective with JOGL's open peer review system.)
Prochains événements/ Next events
Other Business
Remarques finales / Final Remarks
Virtual Apéro