20180725 Board Meeting
Agenda of the Board Meeting
Date: Wednesday, Juli 25th, 18.30-19.30pm
Place: UniverCité, 3rd floor meeting room (MC)
Everyone is again invited to this Board Meeting, as these are such exciting times!
- Rachel
Hello Board
(Rachel, 1 min)
Public minutes
(Rachel, 1 min)
Get ok from all board members to upload minutes on wiki (or else discuss alternative below)
Objections? none
Who can keep the time?
Point Leman Make 2018:
(Luc, 5min)
According to an email from Rachel, there will be three tables:
- Hackuarium
- Spectro (LucP)
- BeeMoS (Olivier)
How about Octanis?
Can we confirm there will be a Hackuarium workshop every day (20 participants x2) to make Foldscopes?
We need to prepare promotional material.
- flyers
- stickers
- other goodies?
- computer on the table to sign up to the newsletter
Who can take care of this? Vanessa has a flyer ready?
Should we allocate a budget? Or do we have enough of everything?
Point 2: Visit for inspection of the P1 laboratory
(Luc, 10min)
Can Rachel make a summary of the situation in 2 sentences?
Who will be coming, and when exactly?
What needs to be done before the visit?
When are you available to help?
Point 3: Proposition from Inartis
(Luc, 10min)
Can Rachel make a summary of the situation in 2 sentences?
Do we have a proposition to discuss?
If not, when will we have one? And what do we expect?
Point N:
(XX, 10min)