20180523 Board Meeting
Agenda of the Board Meeting
Date: Thursday, May 23th, 18.00-19.30pm
Place: UniverCité, 3rd floor meeting room (MC)
- Rachel
- Rachel
Hello Board
(Rachel, 1 min)
Public minutes
(Rachel, 1 min)
Get ok from all board members to upload minutes on wiki (or else discuss alternative below)
Objections? all good
Who can keep the time?
Point 1: LED Safari
Presentation after meeting. <br<
Says Luc: 'puts low-cost and open source hardware in perspective, showing that there is a sustainable business model (and huge interest from the public and organisations).'
Point 2: 'Shadow' positions
Luc 5min
how to organise well for turn-over of positions?
Point 3: Fiscal issues
following on last meeting... to decide about impôt and accountant...
Point 4: Leman Make
who can take the lead on this, make sure we do what is needed?
Point 5: Project conflict
The mycelium project and the mushroom picking project: conflicts and resolution.
Eric wants to present his side of the matter.
Decisions to make: