Difference between revisions of "Category:UpcomingEvents"

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(Created page with "One day we'll do a really cool integration of some sort between that page listing our '''upcoming events''' and [https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=mgvq9goephpmna0kb7rj...")
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One day we'll do a really cool integration of some sort between that page listing our '''upcoming events''' and [https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=mgvq9goephpmna0kb7rj9ipei8%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Zurich our google calendar].
One day we'll do a really cool integration of some sort between this page listing our '''upcoming events''' and [https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=mgvq9goephpmna0kb7rj9ipei8%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Zurich our google calendar].

Latest revision as of 15:02, 15 July 2015

One day we'll do a really cool integration of some sort between this page listing our upcoming events and our google calendar.