Difference between revisions of "20180912 General Assembly Extraordinaire"
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown) | |||
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Refusée à la majorité | Refusée à la majorité | ||
+ | (mais en fait, Juliette à dit déjà qu'on ne peut pas négocier sa offre de bas -seulement orale aussi- pour 'harmoniser' les contributions de lieux) | ||
===3) Partir, à joindre la 'space alliance'=== | ===3) Partir, à joindre la 'space alliance'=== | ||
Line 244: | Line 245: | ||
Guillaume: Focus energy on a space that allows to build projects, which should be the main goal<br> | Guillaume: Focus energy on a space that allows to build projects, which should be the main goal<br> | ||
Pierre: We can do the political battle, but practically, and not orally → simply build the space and make it much better, and convince the politicians etc…<br> | Pierre: We can do the political battle, but practically, and not orally → simply build the space and make it much better, and convince the politicians etc…<br> | ||
− | Rachel: finds it hard to imagine UC can reconcile their position, in terms of using words about supporting open science, which helped fill up the space, in addition to all our activities and welcome of visitors etc, | + | Rachel: finds it hard to imagine UC can reconcile their position, in terms of using words about supporting open science, which helped fill up the space, in addition to all our activities and welcome of visitors etc, but which are now being abandoned in favor of startups and a startup level rent even for us. Still hoping negotiations might be possible to try to stay a bit longer, until we find something bigger and better, to fulfil the needs of members. <br> |
Yann H.: Finds it cool to just pay a little bit of rent to UC as long as we still stay here. <br> | Yann H.: Finds it cool to just pay a little bit of rent to UC as long as we still stay here. <br> | ||
Recommends not to stay. <br> | Recommends not to stay. <br> | ||
Line 264: | Line 265: | ||
against - <br> | against - <br> | ||
discussion <br> | discussion <br> | ||
+ | (actually, Juliette already had said that negotiations would not be possible for her lowest offer - only given orally too - to 'harmonise' the costs for the space...) | ||
3) To leave, to joining in with the "space alliance" <br> | 3) To leave, to joining in with the "space alliance" <br> |
Latest revision as of 09:11, 4 December 2018
Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire
* Langue principale cette semaine: Français * Thème: Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire * Date: Mercredi 12.09.2018, 19h30, * Lieu: Salle Gaston Lagaffe, au 3ème étage (Mass Challenge) aux Ateliers de Renens, Chemin du Closel 5, 1020 Renens.
Venez nombreux pour discuter du futur de l’association. En effet, il est probable que l’on doive déménager.
Quel que soit l'issue du vote sur ce sujet, tous nous voulons remercier la Fondation Inartis et son espace UniverCité de nous avoir hébergé durant ces quatre dernières années. Nous avons bénéficié les deux de ce liason. Cependant, UniverCité et Hackuarium ont tous deux évolué de manière importante et il est temps d'envisager options pour les prochaines années.
Ordre du jour de l'Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire du 12 septembre 2018 (fr)
Bienvenue et liste des présences
Pour rappel, le droit de vote est réservés aux membres ayant leur cotisations à jour.
Comptes de membres et de procurations signés...
18 membres actifs sont présents
- Rachel Aronoff
- Masoud Alipour
- Joël Cristin
- Olivier Emery
- Luc Henry
- Daniel Hernandez
- Yann Heurtaux
- Michel André Horisberger
- Vanesa Lorenzo Toquero
- Florian Patiny
- Luc Patiny
- Océane Patiny
- Yann Pierson
- Heloise Piguet
- Anne-Laure Pittet
- Gustavo Santa Maria
- Sam Sulaimanov
- Raffael Tschui (il a fait des notes pour le procès verbale - les plupart en anglais, donc mis dessous)
3 membres ont donné leur procurations:
- Guy Mayor (à Rachel)
- Caroline Otz (à Rachel)
- Tobias Merz (à Gustavo)
aussi présente: une participante de BeeMoS (Clara), une nouveau membre potentielle (Esther), deux membres de Octanis (Pierre et Guillaume) et Richard et Anna de FabLab
Tout le monde était d'accord pour mettre le pv comme d'habitude dans le wiki.
Le point sur UniverCité et leur proposition de contrat d’hébergement
La Présidente de l'association Hackuarium (Rachel) présentera les dernières nouvelles qui nous concernent tous.
En quelques mots: alors que jusqu’à maintenant nous n’avions pas de loyer à payer, la Fondation Inartis qui gère UniverCité a désormais demandé un loyer avoisinant les 400 CHF/m2/année. (min offre à jour 28.8: 2000CHF/mois)
Rachel a aussi présenté une 'chronogramme' sur les années de Hackuarium.
C'est clair que UniveCité était inauguré comme une 'laboratoire communautaire - mis sur le partage de savoir faire' (Hebdo 22mai2014), mais maintenant ils attendent que Hackuarium doit payer un loyer comme une boîte privée avec business plan déjà réussi!
Bilan des activités pour rendre notre association vraiment durable et trouver un nouvel espace
Sam, membre du comité Hackuarium et fondateur et président de l’association Octanis, présentera les dernières nouvelles sur notre recherche pour un espace commun avec Octanis et d'autres, avec qui l'idée est de former une cooperative.
Bilan Financier
Masoud, trésorier, présentera le bilan de la situation financière actuelle de l’association et des idées pour la collecte de fonds.
Aurions-nous besoin de modifications à notre charte, pour même faire un «business plan»? si oui, on peut le faire pour l'AG prochaine (fev2019??)
Normalement, Hackuarium peut joindre dans le cooperative, sans perdre ses valeurs de la recherche ouverte...
Propositions Spécifiques
1) Rester, Payer le loyer comme demandé par Inartis
La proposition de Gianpaolo:
Chers membres, au cours des 4 dernières années, nous n'avons jamais eu à payer le loyer, l'électricité, internet, l'eau, le chauffage et la climatisation. Libérés de ces préoccupations, nos membres ont profité de leur temps bienveillant pour développer des projets qui auraient été beaucoup plus difficiles à développer ailleurs. Inartis a accueilli et soutenu notre association et nos membres au cours de ces 4 années. Nous avons eu nos hauts et nos bas. Notre juste part des routes cahoteuses et des vents violents. C'est ce qui fait de nous ce que nous sommes aujourd'hui. Maintenant, nous sommes face à face. Je vous invite à exprimer votre gratitude. Je propose d'accepter l'offre d'Inartis et de payer notre loyer, alors que nous recherchons un lieu qui correspond mieux à nos besoins. Qui peut dire où mène la route? Aujourd'hui, Hackuarium peut se permettre de payer un loyer, et avec Octanis, nous explorons de plus grands espaces à louer. Je vous invite à être reconnaissant. Merci d'avoir considéré ma proposition.
Sans avis:
Refusée à la majorité
2) Rester, Négocier
Sans avis:
Refusée à la majorité (mais en fait, Juliette à dit déjà qu'on ne peut pas négocier sa offre de bas -seulement orale aussi- pour 'harmoniser' les contributions de lieux)
3) Partir, à joindre la 'space alliance'
Proposition de Sam:
Le comité d'Hackuarium reçoit le mandat de rechercher, négocier et sélectionner un nouvel espace avec la 'space alliance' et rend compte à l'assemblée générale dans 6 mois.
Sans avis:
Acceptée à la majorité
4) Partir, autre
Proposition de Luc:
Le comité d'Hackuarium reçoit le mandat de rechercher, négocier et sélectionner un nouvel espace avec la 'space alliance' et peut prendre une décision sans passer par l'assemblée générale.
Sans avis:
Acceptée à une plus grande majorité (que point 4)
5) Si on part, faire une plaque commemorative
Proposition de Yann Heurteux
Sans avis:
Acceptée à la majorité
Ces questions seront réglée par le comité Qui ? Budget??
6) Quoiqu'il arrive - Garder un lien avec les résidents des Ateliers de Renens
Proposition de Yann Heurteux:
extrait de son mot:
Hackuarium doit organiser une fois tous les deux mois, un #OpenHackuarium spécial à Mass Challenge, où que nous déménagions :
- pour garder un lien avec ce bâtiment où tout à commencé pour nous et ne pas être oubliés des communautés qui l'habitent,
- pour continuer régulièrement à inspirer et être inspirés par les accéléré·e·s chez MC et les autres colocataires des Ateliers,
- pour continuer à contribuer à Renens, dans ce bâtiment, après qu'on nous y ait hébergé gracieusement pendant 4 ans, en remerciement pour tout ce que la commune a permis pendant ces années.
Je (YH) suis volontaire pour organiser ces rencontres bimestrielles, et m'assurer que les résidents des Ateliers y soient correctement et systématiquement invités.
Ce serait l'occasion pour nous également de continuer à présenter régulièrement aux résidents des Ateliers les projets sur les quels nous travaillons, devant un public a priori étranger à nos thématiques, et continuer à alimenter la transdisciplinarité et la diversité au cœur de nos valeurs en restant au contact de ce que d'autres continueront à faire ici.
Si notre budget le permet, ces rencontres seraient suivies d'un apéro à la taproom de la Nébuleuse.
Sans avis:
Acceptée à la majorité
Votes en chiffres:
Proposal 1: Pour: 0, Contre: 20, Abstention: 1 Rejetée
Proposal 2: Pour: 0, Contre: 18, Abstention: 3 Rejetée
Proposal 3: Pour: 11, Contre: 2, Abstention: 8 Adoptée
Proposal 4: Pour: 19, Contre: 0, Abstention: 2 Adoptée
Proposal 5: Pour: 18, Contre: 3, Abstention: 1 Adoptée
Proposal 6: Pour: 16, Contre: 0, Abstention: 3 Adoptée
Questions Logistiques
Si la decision est de partir:
légalement on pense d'avoir le droit à 6 mois préavis
avec 3 mois, on est à la fin d'octobre
si les choses arriveraient - fin septembre?? (c'est ça Inartis veut, mais après discussion, on peut voir...)
Comment?? Budget? Si la 'space alliance' prendrait 6 mois - dépannage chez Octanis? (et pour la bio? il faut avertir les gens de Bern.)
N'oubliez pas que les projets Hackuarium peuvent bénéficier d'une assistance allant jusqu'à 500CHF.
Faites un budget détaillé et envoyez votre demande au comité par email
Lettre pour nos amis et sponsors
LemanMake 29 & 30 septembre à Renens: 3 stands de Hackuarium prévus! Qui peut nous rejoindre là-bas?
All members are invited to come and discuss the future of the association.
It is likely that we will have to move...
We will always be grateful to Inartis and UniverCité for hosting us these last 4 years, but everyone must grow and move at some point ...;)
We both benefited from this association, and it is time to consider years ahead.
Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of September 12, 2018
Welcome and attendance list
reminder about members voting
counts of members (and signed excused voters...)
18 + 3 for the votes
meeting began officially at 19h40
Update on UniverCité and their hosting contract proposal
Rachel will present the latest news that concerns us all.
While until now we had no rent to pay, Inartis has now asked for a (apparently non-negotiable) rent of about 400 CHF / m2 / year. (minimal offer to date 28.8 of 2000/month)
Review of activities to make our association really sustainable and find a suitable space
Sam, member of the Hackuarium Board and founder and president of the association, Octanis, will present the latest news about our search for a common space with Octanis and some great start-ups, with whom the current idea is to form a cooperative.
Review of current financial status for the Association
Masoud, treasurer, will present a summary of the current financial status of the assocation and some ideas for fundraising.
? would we need modifications to our Charter, in order to even make a 'business plan'? if needs be, that can be done at our next General Assembly meeting.
Normally, Hackuarium could join in the cooperative without giving up on its values for open research...
Masoud summarised: Membership incomes amount to around 6000 CHF per year. Currently there are 27000 francs on the account, which are not strongly linked to any project or future expense. (Minus a couple of “small invoices” + 1’000 for Living Instruments)
Other small incomes come from donations, the crowdfunding campaign, Rachel's workshops (in London and at lab).
Luc mentions that there is a high potential to generate other incomes.
Vanessa feels that, apparently Hackuarium is not valued as much anymore at Univercité and therefore we should move away from here
Luc P. agrees on this point with Vanessa, feels a bit traited by Univercité. Right now, all the activities which used to be possible to do at Univercité some years ago, is happening in his basement, because there is no space anymore at UC.
Yann P.: agrees that the dynamism of the space at UC is past, also resulting in less members actively using the space these days.
X agrees with the previous, and it feels like makers get slowly chased away from this space.
Yann H.: We do have to remember that we should be grateful for the past 4 years staying here for free (and right now using the MC rooms). We also contributed to UC in other ways, but we have missed the train on becoming financially independent in the long term. “We have lost something ‘open’ because we let it get closed”.
Joel says that the location (UC) is excellent - close to Renens, soon next to the tram line. The risk if we leave is that we lose the visibility.
⇒ Sam clarifies that the proposal is not a detailed plan to move at a specific location but, as stated in the agenda: “The board of Hackuarium receives a mandate to search for, negotiate and select a new space with the space alliance and reports to the general assembly in 6 months.”
Sam proposes a reaction round, one after another, and then vote:
Richard: Wants to fight a fight to make the value fablabs/Hackuarium/… creates “recognized”. But in his opinion not by leaving the space. Mentions also that building and rebuilding a fablab is a lot of effort and would be a shame to lose so much...
Its a political fight to fight, a real engineer for example would benefit from immersion into these spaces.
Dan: Good thing about moving is to recreate the community spirit!
Luc P: The associations can provide value to the private sector (e.g. specific knowledge) - mixing disciplines is the biggest value, and that we can re-create.
Luc H: Hackuarium = the sum of its members. Goal is to usa a minimum of money/energy to provide support a maximum of members. 30 members at today’s AG is a good sign that the community remains strong. Staying is not an option - UC becomes less and less extraordinary. Octanis seems to be on the right track to become independent, so he has faith into the project of moving together.
Yann P: We built 3 labs, i dont see a reason why we couldnt do a 4th one.
X: It is impossible to come to Hackuarium right now with a group, due to lack of space. She feels that the association needs a kick, to refuel the dynamism.
X. Keep in mind the roots of HKM!
Oceane: at HKM, there is no space anymore to sit down and work - this would be easily resolved somewhere else.
Olivier: Has faith in the Octanis approach. Seems like the rent can’t be decreased here, so we should leave.
Massoud: Is in principle agreeing with Richard, but does not have time to lead the political battle.
Florian: “Une bataille évité c’est une bataille gagné” & politics sucks → we need a kick now and move forward.
Vanessa: The kick we get now is a good energy
Sam: We should not be cynical to politics/boring tasks. And if we leave here, it’s not a sign of disregarding it.
IF we leave, we will try to get as many people with us, along with our values
Nothing we made so far is in vain, even if we stop being here - we have all accumulated knowledge, connections, etc, which we can now use to create anything from companies to research papers….
Raffael: pragmatic approach - member of both, no way to get Octanis to move back to Ateliers, so only way to bring back Hackuarium and Octanis together is to move Hackuarium.
Gustavo: came to Hackuarium to use the space, took over the responsibility of Yann P. as a lab manager, gave a lot of energy and time to support Inartis, seen the disappearance of shared space, knowledge, no respect for people working on something (space is rented to best bidder without asking the community).
The makerspace will disappear in the long term, it seems that the plan is to rent the space out to startups as well.
IF we leave, we have to discuss about the Hkm logo on Inartis site, as well as other property of hackuarium which is now claimed by Inartis and other startups, and take it with us.
Guillaume: Focus energy on a space that allows to build projects, which should be the main goal
Pierre: We can do the political battle, but practically, and not orally → simply build the space and make it much better, and convince the politicians etc…
Rachel: finds it hard to imagine UC can reconcile their position, in terms of using words about supporting open science, which helped fill up the space, in addition to all our activities and welcome of visitors etc, but which are now being abandoned in favor of startups and a startup level rent even for us. Still hoping negotiations might be possible to try to stay a bit longer, until we find something bigger and better, to fulfil the needs of members.
Yann H.: Finds it cool to just pay a little bit of rent to UC as long as we still stay here.
Recommends not to stay.
Octanis started in Hackuarium and now helping it in its weakest moment, so he is in favor of Sam’s proposal
Is in favor of putting a plaque de mémoire at UC and will take care of negociating with the responsible people.
Is in favor of his own proposal: To keep up the links to other residents of UC. To stay connected/contributing to UC community means also that we show that we didn't only contribute to the space because the rent was free.
Theoretically, Inartis could make us leave immediately - so if we vote yes, we need to move quickly and everyone needs to contribute.
Specific Proposals
1) Stay, Pay the rent as requested by Inartis.
for - Gianpaolo
his proposition:
Dear members, in the last 4 years, we never had to pay the rent, electricity, internet, water, chauffage and air-conditioning. Free of these preoccupations, our members used their benevolent time to develop projects that it would have been much more difficult to develop elsewhere. Inartis hosted and supported our association and our members in these 4 years. We had our ups and downs. Our fair share of bumpy roads and heavy winds. That's what made us what we are today. Now we stand in front of each other. I'm inviting you to express gratitude. I propose to accept the offer of Inartis and to pay our rent, while we search for a place that better fits our needs. Who can say where the road goes? Today Hackuarium can afford to pay a rent, and indeed with Octanis we are exploring bigger spaces to rent. I'm inviting you to be grateful. Thank you for considering my proposition.
against -
2) Stay, Negotiate
for -
against -
(actually, Juliette already had said that negotiations would not be possible for her lowest offer - only given orally too - to 'harmonise' the costs for the space...)
3) To leave, to joining in with the "space alliance"
for - Sam
excerpt from his proposition:
The board of Hackuarium receives a mandate to search for, negotiate and select a new space with the space alliance and reports to the general assembly in 6 months.
against -
4) To leaving, other (as above but without need for another AGE)
for -
against - discussion
what alternatives? how? where??
5) If we leave the Ateliers, make a commemorative plaque
for - Yann Heurteux
against -
6) Whatever happens - Keep a link with the residents of the Renens Workshops
for - Yann Heurteux
excerpt from his note:
Hackuarium should organize, every other month, a special #OpenHackuarium at Mass Challenge, in order:
- to keep a link with this building where everything began and not be forgotten by the communities that remain,
- to continue regularly to inspire and be inspired by the accelerators at MC and the other Ateliers groups,
- To continue contributing to Renens, in this building, after being hosted for free for 4 years, in thanks for all that the municipality has allowed during these years.
I (YH) volunteer to organize these bimonthly meetings, and ensure that the other groups are properly and systematically invited.
It would also be an opportunity for us to continue to regularly present to the residents of the Workshops the projects we are working on, in front of an other audience and keep in touch with what others will continue to do here.
If our budget allows, meetings with an aperitif at the room of La Nebuleuse.
Against - discussion
Votes ...
Luc P.: Suggests a real mandate without any need for another AGE. (new proposal 4)
Proposal 1: Pour: 0, Contre: 20, Abstention: 1 Rejetée
Proposal 2: Pour: 0, Contre: 18, Abstention: 3 Rejetée
Proposal 3: Pour: 11, Contre: 2, Abstention: 8 Adoptée
Proposal 4: Pour: 19, Contre: 0, Abstention: 2 Adoptée
Proposal 5: Pour: 18, Contre: 3, Abstention: 1 Adoptée
Proposal 6: Pour: 16, Contre: 0, Abstention: 3 Adoptée
Logistical Questions
If the decision is to leave,
we think we have the legal right to 6 months' notice.
if we are ok with 3 months, that puts us at the end of October.
if things work out, we could even go as early as the end of September? (that is what Inartis would like, but with recent discussions, perhaps some flexibility is possible.)
How? Budget?? If the space alliance decision will take 6 months, to make do with Octanis (Ecublens)??
Board will organise all technical details, and everybody is STRONGLY encouraged to participate in the moving.
Don't forget that Hackuarium projects can get support of up to 500chf.
Make a budget and send your request to the Board!
Other Business
Letter for our friends and sponsors
LemanMake 29.30sept in Renens: 3 stands for Hackuarium are planned! Who can join us there??
Meeting Ended at 21:17