Micronuclei and Mercury

From Hackuarium
Revision as of 17:39, 7 September 2019 by Rachel (talk | contribs)
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Genomic integrity is a new 'big picture' concept to aid public health efforts and basically includes all the molecular genetic details of cells! So many things we commonly choose to do can impact genomic integrity, also potentially affecting future generations!

Pollution that we can rarely choose to avoid is a key problem affecting genomic integrity. For instance, mercury, like that which pollutes many areas where gold mining is pursued (legally or illegally).

One way to measure effects of mercury pollution in cells is the micronucleus assay.


After a visit to the site of the old Hackuarium in November 2018 by members of MáS ARTE MáS ACCIóN, Rachel was invited by Fernando and Alejandra to join in co-constructing a project with a group of Swiss artists sponsored by ProHelvetia.
Concern about a mercury empoisoned river, people in its vicinity and hoping to reach people in creative way, the current Hackuarium jumped at the chance.
Perhaps micronuclei workshops will be run with many kids from 3 locations during the next visit?


In Colombia


Fernando Alejandra Andrés Ox Jonathan Steve? (bogota researcher) Mabel (quibdo`researcher) Bella Yuli Camilo more!!

Main Goals


Background & Inspiration

Protocol (Plan)

Setup description

Needs for workshop

Recommendation + next steps