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We are Hackuarium. More or different stuff on our website.

En français

Notre communauté regroupe les curieux et les bricoleurs de la région Lausannoise dans un laboratoire ouvert et citoyen situé avec d'autres activités au sein de la Space Alliance Coopérative à Écublens, une ville de Suisse Romande.

La matière vivante est de plus en plus facilement cultivable, modulable, modifiable. Entre science et design, innovation et création artistique, Hackuarium est une rencontre entre des scientifiques et de citoyens de la région lausannoise qui veulent promouvoir ou pratiquer la biologie DIY/DIWO dans un lieu qui offre à chacun·e la possibilité de découvrir, d’expérimenter et de contribuer ses compétences dans un laboratoire communautaire.

In English

What is DIY Bio?

DIY biology (Do-It-Yourself biology) is a movement that wants to free the practice of biological research and innovation from the institutional and industrial laboratories. Pursued both by amateur and professional biologists, DIY biology is developing low-cost and low-tech solutions to problems identified by the community.
The movement is characterized by an extremely diverse set of practices and participants. Some call themselves 'biohackers', in reference to the hacker culture.

DIYbio.org and DIYbio.eu are the portals of the international and european communities, respectively.
For more information, visit the Wikipedia page dedicated to DIYbio.

The Hackuarium Association

Hackuarium is a community of people from a variety of background and who are passionate about tinkering with biology. The association was founded on August 13th 2014.
Our members are interested in open and participatory science, outside traditional institutions. We want to promote interdisciplinary research and innovation, with minimal costs (low-cost), simple and accessible technologies (low-tech) and an open source philosophy. We also rely on upcycling material from institutions and industry from western Switzerland. Our projects are initiated and carried out by scientists as well as citizens who are architects, designers, IT and computer people, journalists or retired people.

Our laboratory is open to everyone sharing these values, dedicated to follow the DIYbio Europe ethical guidelines. We are active within UniverCité, an innovation space opened on May 26th 2014.

Press Kit

If you are a journalist, please visit our Press Kit page.