20201715 Board Meeting

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Agenda of the Board Meeting

Date: Wednesday, July 15, 19h
Place: Ecublens coop space (and possibly via zoom)



  • Esther
  • Joël
  • Vanessa


  • Michel

Welcome address (Rachel, 2 min)
The last board meeting (agenda in the Google Drive) left many things open and undecided.
Let's make more progress, in these crazy times.
At least Michel H has agreed to become Treasurer, but he cannot make much time for many meetings!

Point 0: public minutes (Rachel, 1 min)

Get ok from all board members to upload minutes on wiki (or else discuss alternative below)

Agenda Items

Point 1: Michel H comme Trésorier

Michel H comme Trésorier All in favor of having Michel Horisberger as our new treasurer: vote oui unanimité
Allowance to miss board meetings (esp now): vote oui
Joël will contact (RA to give phone number) et en soutien... si besoin!

Masoud and going to bank - ok to get sorted at their convenience oui

Finances, Invoices and the 'not too begging' letter 

Bilan 2019

Point 2: Utilité Publique

Joel & Esther bilan et compte de pertes et profit pour 5 ans
et need projection financière pour le 4 en avant

description des activités etc... détailées (comme rapport annuelle) RA
projets en cours et activités...
profiles des personnes quis sont beneficières. Joel
estimation of most expensive machines etc... RA
liens avec les autres associations ...
space alliance, Octanis, FabLab de Renens, EPFL et stagiaires etc...

Point 3: Internet Presence


Point 4: Project progress, Events and Workshops

  • #CoronaDetective
  • NoJazz2020 (MCBP controls)
  • iGEM students
  • OpenInsulin

Point 5: The room without a roof

  • at the space alliance general assembly, we agreed we can open this space and use it!

- after the neighbor frees access, we can get the 'door' to open and move some things in.
what and when??

  • anaerobic chamber -> to put under shelter (from Yann Herteux's sister)?
  • big table and benches
  • more

Point N: Other

other biz?

Next Board Meeting: ok? 16sept