2010910 pi workshop notes

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Raspberry Pi 3 computer
OS (Raspbian) loaded on SD card
All GPIO pins are flexible 3.3V OUT or IN (will generate floating voltage when not programmed)
GPIO can be programmed using gpio utility: http://wiring.com/the-gpio-utility/
UART pins carry data (RX=receive, TX=transmit), allows connection of devices (GPS), 3V->3V, GND->GDN, RX->TX, TX->RX
Sends text signals, each character encoded in 8bits ("packed" encapsulated into a "start bit" and a "stop bit")
Speed is 9600 Baud (1 Baud = 1 bit per sec)
To access this data, you can either use a Python script, or a software called "screen"
directory "/dev/ttyACM0 9600" contains a new file that represents the connexion to a device (arduino, printer, etc.)
I2C protocol
For example: BMP280 sensor temperature and pressure sensor (4pins=3V, GND, SDA, SCL)
On pi, up to 127 sensors can be connected to the SDA and SCL ports. Each device has a fix-programmed specific address.
i2c-tools is a program that allows to detect from all these sensors using the i2c-detect protocol.